August 25, 2006

my so called blog......

i have no GUMPTION...... my blog has become boring and listless, not unlike my hair........

i am tired of summer and sick of the heat. i am bored and depressed at work. everyone else i know is stressed out and miserable at work as well. without youtube, my blog would be dead in the water. (although lisa ann's blog has been jumping, and craig updated his with a new dirty rap, which my mom will love....hahahahahaha.....)

it's not all doom and gloom. i mean, i am really happy with the b-friend and the roomie. things with my family are good. all the cats and dogs are healthy and happy. so maybe i need to snap out of it and post something interesting.

but not today.....


  1. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I think your creative juices have dried up....Probably not watching enough cable....

  2. What?! I don't have cable and my blog is at it's peak!

  3. yeah glittermom, groundcat's gonna totally prove you wrong!!!

  4. Anonymous6:50 PM

    And when did Groundcat last post? Over a week ago...Maybe he needs cable too..Its a whole new life..I think you two are in cahoots..

  5. he posted something brilliant thursday, you just missed it.

  6. Thanks for the props about my blog. It's the only life I have. Ha ha! I want cable, too! I just can't justify the expense.
