May 15, 2006

an artist you've probably never heard of (unless i bossed you to listen on a mix CD)

jane siberry is one of my favorite musicians. she's a canadian artist who started recording in the early 80's. read more about on her website. you can also download songs for free from her store. i suggest downloading a song called "the valley", which i heard today and found myself thinking of friends going through hard times. i can think of at least 4 friends going through some sort of depression, sadness, confusion or general ennui. god knows i've been there!

"The Valley"

i live in the hills
you live in the valleys
and all that you know are those blackbirds
you rise every morning
wondering what in the world will the world bring today
will it bring you joy or will it take it away
and every step you take is guided by
the love of the light on the land and the blackbird's cry
you will walk in good company

the valley is dark
the burgeoning holding
the stillness obscured by their judging
you walk through the shadows
uncertain and surely hurting
deserted by the blackbirds and the staccato of the staff
and though you trust the light towards which you wend your way
sometimes you feel all that you wanted has been taken away

you will walk in good company

i love the best of you
you love the best of me
though it is not always easy
we will walk in good company.....


  1. Music is always there to help me get through both the best and worst of times. The Valley is a nice sentiment.

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    The company is only good if you're in it, Charlton.

  3. jesus christ superstar, mags! don't make me cry at work!

    you know i have my own song i dedicate to you. but now i can't remember how it goes!

    "you're the cream in my're the salt in my soup....."

  4. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Your the sand in my eye....

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Your the jam in my toes...

  6. Anonymous9:30 AM

    I'll be the size 12 foot up your ass, Mr. Anonymous Funnypants...

    And, if I recall, the salt was in the stew. :o)

  7. Anonymous3:40 PM

    How bout "the salt in your wound."

  8. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Or the shit in your hat...

  9. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Ok you win!
