February 16, 2006

my new look!

i stopped by to see matt last night and he asked how peppermint patty was doing.

per wikipedia: "Some have speculated that Peppermint Patty and Marcie are portrayals of lesbians, but this may well be idle fantasy, especially considering both girls' admitted affection for Charlie Brown. Marcie resembles, and acts like, a younger version of Doonesbury's Honey Huan. However, from occasional references within the strip, it's clear she was modeled on Billie Jean King."

so i'm not a lesbian! but i resemble billie jean king?

ah, it's gets worse and worse......


  1. Anonymous3:31 PM

    The photo you posted is of Marcy, isn't it? Peppermint Patty had the strawberry blonde hair and the Birkenstocks.

    Five years in music school is long enough to know a lesbian when I see one. I actually roomed with one for a year. I'm here to tell you that Peppermint Patty and Marcy were totally an item. They only pretended to like Chuck to confuse people - he was their beard. And I've always had my suspicions about Linus, too. He was WAY too sensitive and fond of that blanket.

    And as far as you looking like a lesbian, Charlton. I just don't see it. So you wear purple Birkenstocks, have four cats, live alone and drive a jeep with a license plate that says "DAN." What's THAT supposed to mean? Total crazy talk.

    And I don't think you look a bit like Billie Jean King, either. If you did, I would not speak to you because she frightens me. When you really think about it, you actually most resemble Charlie Brown. :o)

  2. no, matt was implying i was marcy by asking how my friend/lesbian love peppermint patty was doing. see how funny he ISN'T!

    i just caught your last line, about me resembling charlie brown. my gosh, you are so due for an ass whooping!

  3. I, too, have always wondered about Linus. He had the best fashion sense of all the Peanuts (the so-called blanket was actually a stylish pashmina wrap).

    Plus, the kid could suck a mean thumb.

  4. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Since you really are a lesbian, can you find a lipstick lesbian to be with so that i can hit on her and get rejected...

  5. TLM: I've never heard the Linus-Gay-Pashmina theory yet.
    Though he did get a bit too bent out of shape about being or not being Sally's sweet babboo.
    And that whole Great Pumpkin fiasco...don't get me started.
