February 17, 2006

i am exhausted.....

i've cried on the way home from work 2 times this week. just out of pure exhaustion. today when i was leaving the garage, the parking lot attendant said i had paid $20 last night and drove off without my $10 change. she couldn't give me my money back, so she came out and lifted the gate so i could get out for free. she said, "your parking ticket showed you were in by 7:30am and weren't leaving til almost 7pm, you looked exhausted!" i just thought that it was so nice that she noticed and gave a shit, so as i pulled out i burst into tears. a combination of exhausted and happy. happy to know not everyone sucks.

work should get a little better next week, and by the end of the month i am hoping to be back to a 40 hour week.

in other news, i just tried to call in a pizza order with the tv remote! yeah, i'm not tired at all!


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    that fucken cat is adorable... i hate you...

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Jennifer has one just like it, only way bigger! Fat Hank!

  3. I tried to put pots and pans away in the freezer the other day.
    Sleep deprivation is great! Better than crack!
