March 31, 2014

back to work and back to blogging...

i can't recall if i ever blogged about quitting my day job in november, to do photography full time.  that was bad timing, to try to do photography full time in the winter.  the worst cleveland winter in decades.

i got an offer to go back to software testing, with a few former coworkers from different jobs.  to be back downtown (in the caxton building, which i love.)  and a flexible schedule to keep doing photography.

i'm taking out a full page ad in "the knot" (a popular wedding magazine), hoping that paying for advertising brings me photography work.

in septemember i have my first gallery show, with an opening night party.  so far over 50 people have RSVPed to say they are coming.  another 30 are maybes.  a few people from out of state!

so yeah, life is pretty good.  :)

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