April 5, 2013

saying goodbye to another of our pack...

in my family, our dogs & cats are part of the family.  and when we lose one of them, we grieve.  there are no funerals or obituaries for our beloved animal companions, so i try to pay tribute here on my blog.

here's one of the first photos i took of precious back in 2009.  she had the funniest habit of showing her teeth when she first met us.  

my mother-in-law nancy adopted precious from one of her elderly patients who had passed away.  precious was an older gal, and as we know it's hard finding senior dogs a home.  but nancy took her in and they became best pals.

precious was devoted to nancy.  she would follow her everywhere.  she'd watch her with a look of pure love.  nancy gave her a wonderful home & they had 4 great years together.  car rides & cats to hang out with, a yard with a garden & a pond.  precious lived the good life!

losing a beloved animal companion is heart breaking.  all you can do is remember the good times.  and someday be ready to let another dog (or cat or even a bird) into your heart.

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