October 28, 2012

October 26, 2012

things and updates and thoughts and feelings...

it's been a while since i blogged about anything.  life has been interesting, so may as well jabber about it.

rachel & i went on a little road trip to columbus.  it was so much fun just driving and talking.  we saw stacy & mark, had a great meal, and i discovered the manhattan.  we spent an hour driving down high street, reminiscing about the places and people we knew back in 1988- 1998.  it was a nice nostalgic drive.  see pics here.

i'm mostly recovered from surgery.  it's been a little over 2 months.  i still get tired sometimes and my stomach swells.  i haven't been able to wear jeans in ages.  annoying, but so glad i had the hysterectomy.  because now i can go to the gym any day!

so yeah, i've been back to the gym.  swimming 3-4 days a week.  i'm back up to my full 45 minute water workout.  next week i'd like to try to get back to spinning.  then weights.  i won't meet my goal to be under 200 by the end of the year (thanks to major surgery) but that's ok.  i'm proud of my accomplishments this year and i know i'll lose a few more pounds by the end of the year.

i let bad eating habits (like fast food and chewing cough drops) sneak back in after surgery.  not as bad as before, but it needs to stop.  i'm working on getting back to good eating habits.  eating tons of vegetables, lean meats, fruit, tofu, nuts, and a small amount of cheese & grains.  in that order.

i start my fancy new job on monday.  i'm super excited and a bit nervous.  it's like the first day at a new school.  wondering who will eat lunch with me.  where i'll sit.  what to wear.

ok, enough jabber.  i need to go run errands and start worrying about monday.  also need to go enjoy the last of the warm weather before the cold & wind return.

here's a funny for ya:

October 18, 2012

i am a lucky girl these days...

what's good about life?  here's a list:

1.  i've had fun being creative with the camera.  we went to lakeview cemetery and i took lots of photos.  

2.  the dogs are happy & healthy.  we bought a gate thing so we can take the dogs for rides.  lots of tongue happening in this pic.

3.  i got a really sweet job.  it's a great company, downtown (which i love).  i'm super excited to start on the 29th.

let's see, what else is good...

4.  i only gained 2 pounds over the 8 weeks of recovery from surgery.  i wasn't able to go to the gym and i also ate fast food quite a bit.  so now it's back to the gym and eating healthy.

5.  speaking of that, the gym opens in 15 minutes and i need to go swim!  bye!!!

October 13, 2012

inside the theatre...

yesterday i got to go inside my friend's old theatre and take pics.  it was so much fun.  really amazing to see the original art deco light fixtures and carpets, all in surprisingly good shape.  they have to do major roof repairs, but the interior is decent.

here's the link to all the photos.