June 13, 2012

today is going to be a lot like yesterday...

i was going to go run around some casinos or something, but i think i'm going to sit by the pool and read, swim, have a mimosa, etc... i just love being out there in the 103 temps.  which is bizarre.  but i stay shaded (unless swimming) and apply tons of sunscreen (not going to screw up my tattoo.)  

i'm readin jenny lawson's book and LOVE it.  if you read one thing by her, read this post on her blog.  she might be my patron saint/long lost sister.  she's not only hilarious (and a cuss mouth), she also deals with anxiety, depression, and a chronic pain condition.  hello???  i am so much relating.  and reading her memoir, i'm laughing and snorting and laughing more.

the husband & i went to dinner with his bosslady and had a good time.  we went to holstein's at the cosmo and of course i didn't get the burger or milkshake that they are famous for.  i did get a blood orange cosmopolitan & crispy pork on steamed buns.  delicious!

yesterday's pics:

poolside fruit bow with super fresh ice cold fruit & basil.  so good. 

how a nerd hangs out by the pool: mimosa, MCA, moleskine journal and lots of sunscreen. 

 i'm obsessed with the glittery lights & beads in the lobby of the hotel.

we will not be going to this idiot's show.


  1. You made a cow very happy today. Cows. The stoners of the animal kingdom :)

  2. and that fruit bowl, wow! i thought of you since it was all fancy & had fresh basil sprinkles on it.

  3. oh wow...Criss Angel my hero...blech.....
