March 4, 2012

Day Ten: One confession

good lord!  i'm so open and honest about the embarrassing things in my life... i need to think about this one for a moment...

i once poked a blind lady with a pen.

she was a client at the group home i worked at on weekend.  she was the meanest fucking lady ever.  she'd attack people, throw used maxi pads at staff.

she also loved to tell people how they were going to die.  one morning, waiting for the bus to pick her up for the open workshop, she told me that she saw me in a dream, and the sky was on fire, and that i was lying dead in the road.

i was so annoyed with her, i poked her in the leg with my pen.  not too hard.  but it made me a little happy to do it.  and i'd do it again.

i'm a horrible person.  LOL!


  1. do you dream about her?
    is she still alive?

  2. interesting question. i worked with the mentally retarded folks from 1991 to 1996. some of them were my friends, others (like the blind lady) were a royal pain in the ass.

    i often wonder about those people. if they were on facebook i'd love it!
