February 2, 2012

charlie's story...

Here's Connie's tale of how she caught & saved Charlie:

I saw him wondering down the street on East 55th in a shit neighborhood. He had a horrible collar and bolt attached to him (was probably living on a chain). I chased him for hours and couldn't get him. He would eat out of my hand but then run when I tried to grab him. 

It started raining and I started crying and he finally laid down in an empty lot exhausted. Still couldnt get him. It was getting dark so I went home and got some straw and plywood and made him a shelter. I went back in the morning and he was still there! I couldn't believe my luck! 

Then I went to the kennel and got a trap and trapped his furry little ass! He was real shy but has since come out of his shell and is a little snuggler! A very calm dog for being so young. 

He has only been in foster care for a couple weeks but has shown HUGE improvements. If he knows you he loves you to death! Very excited to see me when I visit him. I took him to Petco today and he is always very curious to meet people and will go right up to them but he doesn't like people to pet him right away . . . he wants it when he is ready. I took him to my mom's also and she ignored him and he went up to her eventually and wanted to be petted. Even my mom who is not a dog person said "he is going to be a really good dog for someone!

And now, he's a good dog for us!


  1. I love that Charlie!!!!

  2. In this picture his face looks like Sophie except the coloring...
