February 29, 2012

Day Seven: Four turn-offs.

1.  mean people

2.  raw onions

3.  small minded bigots

4.  unfunny people

February 28, 2012

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

1.  elizabeth kubler-ross

2.   caroline knapp

3.  hunter s. thompson

4.  charles schulz

5.  r.w. emerson

for this one, i decided to go with people who mean a lot to me who are dead and famous.

February 27, 2012

Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done

this one is hard.  there's not much i regret...  i feel like even my mistakes were ok because they brought me where i needed to be.

i mean, i wish i didn't drop out of college, but if i hadn't i'd have ended up at a different job.  i might not have met my husband.  that being said, let's see what i can come up with!

1.  cut my bangs.  (i do this once a year or so, and i always regret it.)

2.  go to OSU.  (i should have picked a small liberal arts college)

3.  become a wine lover.  (because i do love it!)

4.  lost touch with andrea m. page.  (she was such an amazing friend and influence)

5.  bought those leather boots i've never worn.  (they are too biker chick for me.)

6.  added hot sauce to my #1 pho soup.  (burned my face off!)

February 26, 2012

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot

1.  i wonder if the pool is crowded

2.  i wonder what it would be like to go on vacation somewhere tropical

3.  i wonder why i love to chew hall's cough drops so much

4.  i wish i never had to deal with driving or being in a car, because it's too dangerous, people are rude & on cell phones, and it's really bad to be in a car crash, and i'd like to live in walking distance of walk.

5.  i wonder if i'm doing the right thing

6.  i wish i had enough money to:

  • turn the barn into a living space
  • save all the deer running around the streets and freeways
  • or at least get the deer on birth control
  • turn the basement into an awesome music/ party space
7.  i wonder if there's a point in continuing to blog

February 25, 2012


i've been feeling really creative lately.  wanting to start a new photo project, making drawings on my iPad.  i've been getting some really nice feedback on facebook.  a local author has asked me to participate in an art show this spring!

i know my paintings and drawings are simple, childlike, and goofy.  sometimes i spend hours on a piece, other times it's a 2 minute quick sketch.  i like using markers, crayons, and might even try clay.

i always considered my self a photographer more then anything.  so the last year of trying new ways to create art has been fun.  i don't care if i make something that sucks, because i can always start a new piece.

here's a link to my artwork.

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart

1.  be kind to animals

2.  be your true self

3.  make me laugh

4.  have a fearless heart

5.  have a true love of music, art, and the absurd

6.  know how to fuck shit up

7.  make me toast

8.  buy me an indoor heated pool

February 24, 2012

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

i blabber about myself all the damn time, so i'll try to think of 9 things people might not know about me.

1.  i was a really good french horn player and i wish i hadn't stopped playing

2.  i like cats and dogs equally

3.  sometimes when i swim i pretend i'm flying

4.  even as child, i didn't believe in god or santa

5.  i understand and accept death as a natural part of life

6.  farts make me giggle

7.  i am shocked, on a daily basis, that i live with a barn in my yard

8.  i built a wheelchair for my barbie doll when i was 8

9.  i am shocked, on a daily basis, that politicians want to make laws about my uterus

10.  i was outside with the dogs yesterday, and i saw 2 birds having sex in a tree.  it was one of the worst things i've ever seen or heard!  i've been wanting to tell someone that all day.

oh, that's 10.  i never was one for math!

10 days, 10 lists: Day One

I stole this from Carol who stole this from someone else, and so on and so on!

Day One: Ten things you want to say to ten different people right now.

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.

Day Three: Eight ways to win your heart.

Day Four: Seven things that cross your mind a lot.

Day Five: Six things you wish you’d never done.

Day Six: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

Day Seven: Four turn-offs.

Day Eight: Three turn-ons.

Day Nine: Two images that describe your life right now, and why.

Day Ten: One confession

Ten things I want to say to ten different people right now:

1.  You're completely ridiculous and you aren't fooling anyone.

2.  You deserve so much better.

3.  Thank you for what you said.

4.  I want to be more like you.

5.  I wish I could have done more to help you.

6.  I'm glad we are still friends.

7.  I'm so glad I dumped you.

8.  You're way too concerned about my uterus.

9.  I hope you can find some peace.

10.  Stop making me so damn nervous!

February 19, 2012

photography project

i've had this idea for a while now.  i want to do a formal portrait of my friends and family, the people i love.  i also want to photograph the people i enjoy.  coworkers, kids, the guy who i buy wine from.  the people i dig.

so be prepared to pose!

i think i'm bored with taking pics of the dogs.  and i have always preferred candid shots of people.  so this is a way to try something new.

the photo above is one of my all time favorites.  the guy is named ray jay, and he panhandles outside of the huntington building, downtown.  behind him is one of the most beautiful and historic buildings.  i saw this guy every weekday for 2 years.  he loved to talk about politics.  not real life politics, but stuff he made up or imagined.  on a whim i asked if i could take his pic, and he was happy to pose.

anyways, this is my art project for 2012.

February 18, 2012

the one we couldn't save...

my life is all about dogs.  i am constantly talking about my dogs, taking their pics.  i also like to talk about how adopting a rescued dog is so awesome.  i love how our family is full of dogs that were saved from the hard life of being a stray, or worse.  i donate money to the volunteer group that is responsible for rescuing these dogs.

every day, i find myself feeling so lucky to have these dogs in my life.  i once wrote about "what the dogs have taught me", but i had yet to learn this most painful lesson; we can't save them all.

over the last week, a sad saga occurred.  a dog was in trouble, and a handful of volunteers tried to help her.  it was all unfolding on facebook, and every day i checked, hoping to see good news.  but there was to be no good news.

the last time i checked, there were 184 comments on this post on facebook.  everyone was so hopeful, and now we're all devastated.  she is going to be buried at connie's, which is appropriate since she's the one who tried so hard to save this girl.  and she's the one who saved charlie from the same fate.

i've been posting "pet obituaries" on my blog for years.  for the dogs we've loved and lost.  and i wanted to do the same for this girl.  the one we loved but couldn't save.

don't hate country...

i'm thinking about our trip to nashville last year, and the backstage tour of the ryman theater.  i love country music.  i love the musicians who came out of west texas (towns van sant, lyle lovett, nanci griffith), and the old school loretta lynn days.  everyone says, "i like all music, except country", and i think, "you just aren't listening to the right stuff!

it might be in my blood, since my dad was born in kentucky.  one of my favorite songs as a child was hank williams' "poor old elijah".

here are random pics of the musicians who taught me to love country music:

some videos...

here's the video i like:


 here's the video carol likes:


February 12, 2012

life goes on...

i filled out charlie's paperwork.  the adoption fee is $150.  i sent a check for $250.  that's how much griffin cost, and i felt like i wanted to sort of pay tribute to him.  

griffin is gone and now we have charlie.  there will never be another griffin, and charlie is his own dog.  life goes on.  sometimes painful, but so much joy.

February 11, 2012

February 9, 2012

i work on the viaduct...

i love working in such an interesting area of cleveland.  this is the blog post i wish i'd written about the superior viaduct.  

cleveland is so cool!

February 8, 2012

February 7, 2012

my dad: random thoughts and images

I've been wanting to blog about my dad for some time now.  Especially since most of my friends and my husband never got a chance to meet him.

I started making a list of things I wanted to say about my dad while I waited in the doctor's office today.  The list was off the top of my head & in no real order.

I wanted to talk at length about the items on this list, but instead, I'm just posting the list "as is".

Here's a link to a poem I wrote about one of my earliest memories.

Born in KY, dad died when he was 5
His stepdad was a mean, abusive creep
Two 1/2 brothers born (and spoiled)
Moved to cleveland
Dropped out in 8th grade
Triple heart bypass in late 30's
Then marathon running at my age
Husband never met him
"Gone" to me after high school
      Riding on motorcycle
      Driving through the hills of KY listening to Jim Croce songs
      Fishing at Harpersfield
He built a van/RV hybrid and won some award
I used to stick his socks between his toes when he napped on the couch and he'd pretend to wake up and flip out (this always made me laugh!)
Jack and the beanstock falling arm (a bedtime ritual when I was like 3 years old.)
Before he married my mom he worked for a circus & was a volunteer firefighter
He was a race car driver & won tons of trophies in the late 60's/ early 70's
Wood worker
Nice to my friends, helped them buy cars, learn to ride motorcycles
Tried to save stray dogs and baby birds that fell out of their nests

February 6, 2012

updates on charlie...

charlie and gilly like to play like crazy.  he lets me hug him and pet him.  he even snuggled with my in bed over the weekend!  he loves to steal our shoes and carry them around (something griffin used to do.)  he brought dan's giant boot into bed at one point!

he's still very shy about letting people touch him.  we're giving him time and lots of love.  

charlie and gilly are great dogs and it's so fun to see them play.