May 15, 2011


i've been sick for 5 days now.  cooped up in the house.  tea and soup and water.  bad tv.  here are 2 recent pics of the dogs that i like.  that is all.


May 11, 2011

buddha machine...

the buddha machine is.... hard to describe.  a little plastic box that looks like a radio.  you put 2 AA batteries in, and it plays 9 different "ambient" sound loops, based on Buddhist monks chanting.  you hit a small switch to change the loops. 

it was $22 and i bought it as soon as i saw it at the record store.  i remembered wanting one a few years back.  turns out the husband did too!

it's mesmerizing and a little creepy.  i will carry it in my purse and demonstrate for all.  

for now, here's a long-ass 2 minute video that shows what the dogs think of the device.  listen with the sound on...

May 9, 2011


i need this album, on real vinyl, if only for the awesome cover.

May 6, 2011


weird angle and lomo app on iPhone

work people shooting nerf guns...

horrible things i do with my iphone and my face.....

dan's lunchbox makes a great fresh flower carrier!

crabby morning nerf gun.... miss fire....