December 31, 2010

my art....

my bendaroo butterfly with handle bar mustache

ceramic doll heads
little clay winged guy

December 27, 2010

a boring, random list....

1. i posted a ton of pics from the holidays over on the facial book, click here to see them.

2. also, i think this robin williams robot movie (bicentennial man) looks terrifying.  it came out a few years ago and i caught it over the holiday weekend.  yuk!

3.  iPhone pics round-up:

4.  i am going to re-do our breakfast nook in glitter vinyl someday!

 5.  this blog is so boring... ah well!

Tom Waits Inducted

"I am still recovering," he said in a statement. "I never really cared about the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame...but now I am surprised to discover how much I DO care. I'm wondering if I did something wrong?" Waits exclusively tells Rolling S...tone that his thoughts turned to his mother, who died this year, when he got the call. "I wish she was alive to hear the news," he says. "She didn't respond to rock and roll per se, but she would have loved to have a reason to get all dolled up...and...the idea of having a Waldorf salad AT the Waldorf Astoria, would for her have been the cat's pajamas. Actually, my mom made a pretty mean Waldorf herself!"

Lego Madness...

I am currently obsessed with a co-workers Britney Spears Lego doll.   I can't find one online, but i did find these disturbing ones:

                                        Stephen Hawking                    Madonna & Amy Winehouse
                                    ( This one cracks me up)             Nice literary references!

                                   The Beatles                                          Aliens
And most importantly....
Lego Jesus!!!!!

December 15, 2010

new duvet nightmare....

see if you can put the story together just by these pics.  gilly is so grounded!

thanks groundcat for finding the video!

December 6, 2010

phone pics....

xmas donut

 snowy drive to work.  also, my version of a bon iver album cover.

ready for snow!