August 12, 2010

random recommendations and resolutions...

i resolve to stop drinking bottled water.  as of today i am going 100% tap water.  i got a nice BPA free bottle (and one for the husband) and i'm gonna use it! 

the fruit next to the bottle is a "pluot", a combination of a plum and apricot.

why am i doing this?  because i spend too much money on bottled water.  it's usually just tap water anyways.  i end up with tons of those bottles in my car at the end of a week.  and those bottles are bad for the environment.  here's a review of a new documentary about the scam that is bottled water.

i'm also vowing to keep taking the dogs to the park as often as possible.  i need the exercise and they do too.  plus it's fun watching gilly jump into the water and roll in the mud.  and griffin LOVES going for rides.  now if i could just drag dan along... maybe when it's not 90 degrees out.

speaking of that.... this summer can bite me.  it's the hottest on record and i'm so sick of the 90 degree days and insane humidity.

product (unpaid) endorsement:  L'Oreal Paris -Colorist Secrets Shine Gloss. it's a friggin' miracle for my hair!  it doesn't get great reviews online, but i have dumb hair so maybe it only works for me...


  1. Yah I see that tap water thing working for you...not...actually not the hottest summer of record but is the most humid on record for such an extended time....Just so yah know...

  2. going on my 3rd day of no bottled water. tap water rules!
