June 14, 2010

oh, the possibilities....

 i love looking at paint samples.  i could spend hours going over the different variations of greens, finding the perfect mossy tone i envision for the bedroom, or the pearly pink that i think will look great in the bathroom.

i haven't painted in years.  it used to be the first thing i did, when i moved into some new apartment (and there where many in those years between college and marriage...)  once i painted my bedroom sky blue with white clouds.  actually, rachel & i got the colors mixed up and ended with blue clouds and a white background.  

i painted a room at my mom's dark red with a black border.  i've tried ever version of pink imaginable, and more then once ended up feeling like i was living in a pepto bismal bottle.

then i met my husband.  his house felt like home, and the white walls seemed.... just fine.  i've been in that house for 3 years, 9 months and 2 days.  and the walls are still white.  we've talked about painting the bathroom pink, but it just seems like there's more important things to do first.  like home repairs, celebrating anniversaries (our 2 year wedding anniversary is coming up this week),entertaining friends, chasing around dogs, etc...

i think i'll get that bathroom painted sometime before we turn 50.  in the meantime i'll keep collecting those little paint color sample cards, thinking of the possibilities...


  1. Congratulations on the 2 year anniversary! I am currently painting the trim in my home a cream color. It is slow going and I can only do it when I feel able. It feels good though. Refreshing to see the timbre of the house change. Thank you for reminding me that the trim in hall is due next! Thank you also for your comments on my blog. I appreciate you so much and you have become a good friend and someone I admire. Take care of yourself and don't ever be a stranger!

  2. just do it!
    i didn't paint a thing (or hire anyone to paint a thing) until i had a deadline--my baby's due date. it's so nice that in retrospect i wish i had done it sooner.....
