February 15, 2010

pit bull info...

i've learned some interesting things since we got gilly.  she was rescued from the cleveland kennel and we can only guess at her breed, but everyone who knows dogs seems sure that she's some kind of pit bull mix.  our vet has told us not to tell anyone this, and to call her a "boxer mix".

when i looked up articles on "breed specific legislation", i understood why the vet said this.  in ohio, a dog that even looks like a pit bull is considered viscous, even if they never hurt a fly.

so gilly is a boxer mix.  here are some facts about the kind of dog gilly is not:

  • there's no such breed as a "pit bull".  there are american pit bull terriers, american stafforshire terriers, and staffordshire bull terriers.

  • in 2002 these type of dogs were rated very highly in american temperment testing.  they are search & rescue dogs, therapy dogs, as well as competitive agilty dogs.
  • can you spot the "pit bull"?  take the test here!  (there are 26 dogs and only 1 is an american pit bull terrier.  i guessed right the first time, which means i've watched a lot of animal planet shows about dogs.)


  1. ha! I got it right the first time too.

  2. took me two tries. maybe I don't deserve Gilly...

  3. or maybe you need more puppies!!!

  4. I agree, you need more puppies.

  5. uc freak9:00 AM

    I hate to mention it, but you probably also have to tell your home owners insurance about Gilly and her questionable breeding [that term also applies to Jennifer, doesn't it? :)] When I got my homeowners, they asked questions about specific breeds, so you don't want to mess up your coverage. Sorry, you know I am an insurance girl.

  6. What viscosity would Gilly be if she ever did, in fact, hurt a fly?

  7. hehehe.... how the heck do you spell it? visious? no...that can't be right....

    oh, there's a lot of questionable breeding in our family tree!
