September 3, 2009

little rock trip- wednesday

(click here to see my photo album on facebook.)

we were up before 7am, cleaning and packing. the house looked pretty good (except for some duct tape and a missing living room rug) and we were off.

we got to the airport on time and tried to relax. they called for our flight to board and as we went down the ramp, i realized we were going to walk right on the tarmac. there sat a tiny little plane (canadian air regional jet, 50 seats) about as big as an RV. we walked up a tiny set of steps into the plane. did i mention how tiny it was? it was so small and smelled like pizza.

as we took off and climbed into the air, i thought of the same thing i do everytime i fly: that twilight zone episode about the monster on the wing of the plane. i can't decide if i like the lithgow or shatner version better....

we got to memphis and had almost 2 hours to kill in the airport, so we ate some awesome BBQ and i posted stuff on facebook. the airport was nice, but smelled like pee.

the flight from memphis to little rock was quick. a bigger plane, up and back down in less then an hour. we landed in little rock, got our bags and went to pick up the rental car. when the lady took us out to the parking lot, amongst the sea of ugly gray and black sedans, was a bright blue car. she walked up to it and opened the doors. i was so excited to see we got the smurf blue car. then i saw it was a PT cruiser. YES!!!

we got to the hotel in about 15 minutes, unloaded the car, and there was jay, scowling & smoking a cigarette on a bench behind some bushes. exactly how i would have expected to see my old friend.

we unloaded bags and checked it. jay's fiance had gift bags waiting for us when we checked in. water & pencils & snacks & little rock brochures and fans! we spent some time unpacking then met jay in the hotel bar for drinks and snacks.

we ended up spending our evening in the hotel bar, with 2 of alyson's friends meeting us after a while, and then alyson herself. it was great finally meeting everyone, and nice to not leave the hotel. we hung out with everyone until they left for dinner. we were exhausted from the flight and done for the day.

so far, the trip has been disaster free and fun. cross your fingers!!!

1 comment:

  1. that picture of the bbq sandwich looks like a murder scene from a horror movie....
