August 31, 2009

Róisín Murphy

Róisín Murphy is so nuts. she's one of the only techno artists i like, and she's a bit "bjork-ish" is some of her fashion choices.

this moloko album cover is my favorite. it's crazy!

August 29, 2009

halloween 2 SUCKS

we just got home from seeing this film. holy shit, where to begin...

it sucked. there were so many actors in useless roles. and the main actors were really "actoring it up".

michael myers grows a beard and is some kind of vagabond. there were a ton of male characters with large teeth.

zombie's wife wears a lot of wigs. all the girls are skanky. the horse made us giggle.

if someone can explain the scene where the main character holds the baby pig, i will pay you money.

and the sort of dreadlocked hair.... who the hell has fake dreads in 2009? oh, wait, rob zombie does!

f this movie.

it's a bukowski kind of day....

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be
then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do

— Charles Bukowski

August 28, 2009

weird pics from the news & a list of songs

and here's a list of what's been on my ipod today:

song- artist

ooh baby baby- marianne faithful
miami - counting crows
bone in my ear- bruce cockburn
silence- the autumn defense
this charming man- the smiths
iron & wine- love vigilantes' (new order song)
mopper's medley- midlake
get up- the kinks
I still miss someone- nanci griffith
the new soft shoe- gram parsons
london- the smiths
last night I had a dream- randy newman
speed of the sound of loneliness- nanci griffith & john prine
sold to the nice rich man- the welcome wagon
the trapeze swinger- iron & wine
goin' home - dan auerbach
you don't miss your water- the byrds
railroad man- the eels
checkout blues- the eels
last night I dreamt that somebody loved me- the smiths
boots of spanish leather- nanci griffith
burn on- randy newman
earth intruders - bjork
bride of theme- eels
viz - le tigre
head home- midlake
stretch out and wait- the smiths
all is full of love- bjork
sinning hands- iron & wine
lamaze- harry nilsson
christine's tune- the flying burrito brothers
resolve- beth gibbons & rustin man
jeane- the smiths
jeff buckley- I wake up in strange places
midnight- ray charles
misfits- the kinks
it covers the hillside-midlake
trouble with dreams- eels

"trapeze swinger" by iron & wine

Iron & Wine - Trapeze Swinger

Please, remember me
By the rosebush laughing
With bruises on my chin
The time when
We counted every black car passing
Your house beneath the hill
And up until
Someone caught us in the kitchen
With maps, a mountain range,
A piggy bank
A vision too removed to mention
Please, remember me
I heard from someone you're still pretty
And then
They went on to say
That the pearly gates
Had some eloquent graffiti
Like 'We'll meet again'
And 'Fuck the man'
And 'Tell my mother not to worry'
And angels with their gray
Were always done in such a hurry

Please, remember me
At Halloween
Making fools of all the neighbors
Our faces painted white
By midnight
We'd forgotten one another
And when the morning came
I was ashamed
Only now it seems so silly
That season left the world
And then returned
And now you're lit up by the city
Please, remember me
In the window of the tallest tower call
Then pass us by
But much too high
To see the empty road at happy hour
Leave and resonate
Just like the gates
Around the holy kingdom
With words like 'Lost and Found' and 'Don't Look Down'
And 'Someone Save Temptation'

Please, remember me
As in the dream
We had as rug-burned babies
Among the fallen trees
And fast asleep
Aside the lions and the ladies
That called you what you like
And even might
Give a gift for your behavior
A fleeting chance to see
A trapeze
Swing as high as any savior
Please, remember me
My misery
And how it lost me all I wanted
Those dogs that love the rain
And chasing trains
The colored birds above there running
In circles round the well
And where it spells
On the wall behind St. Peter's
So bright with cinder gray
And spray paint
'Who the hell can see forever?'

Please, remember me
In the car behind the carnival
My hand between your knees
You turn from me
And said 'The trapeze act was wonderful
But never meant to last'
The clown that passed
Saw me just come up with anger
When it filled with circus dogs
The parking lot
Had an element of danger
Please, remember me
And all my uphill clawing
My dear
But if i make
The pearly gates
Do my best to make a drawing
Of G-d and Lucifer
A boy and girl
An angel kissin on a sinner
A monkey and a man
A marching band
All around the frightened trapeze swingers

(this song came on the ipod at work and made me cry)

August 27, 2009

coming soon: insomnia blogging!

i've blogged about insomnia many times before. i've also talked about ambien and trying different medications, or going "cold turkey" and taking nothing.

i've been back on ambien for months. there’s no way to “ween off”. i’m taking my last 2 doses and then going cold turkey. i’ll have the weekend to adjust and then am off work all next week. my body will eventually remember how to sleep on its own. i’ll never fall asleep as fast as i do on ambien. and i’ll wake up more often in the night. but i remember when I was off it before, that i felt better and more alert during the day. taking it makes me feel like a zombie. my memory is horrible. i feel foggy.
when you stop taking ambien, there's something called "boomerang insomnia", where you just don't sleep for a night or 2.
i have to remember that not sleeping won't kill me. i'll get through it. and if i can't sleep, maybe i'll get up and post on my blog. or i'll draw pics. maybe learn how to use a yo-yo. i could paint the bathroom pink! or watch bad tv. so many options......

books in my bathroom.....

there's a definite theme to my bathroom library.....

August 25, 2009

movie reviews and then randomness....

my snow baby...

billy the kid was really tough to watch. but worth the painful moments. here's an amazing article that tells the story way better then i could.

we watched "salesman" (by the directors of grey gardens) about 4 salesmen selling expensive bibles in some of the poorer neighborhoods.

Jamie Baker -- 'The Rabbit'
Paul Brennan -- 'The Badger'
Raymond Martos -- 'The Bull'
Charles McDevitt -- 'The Gipper'

they were all smokers, drinkers, and pretty hardened guys, travelling across the country, competing with each other to see expensive bibles that poor families couldn't afford. the film is amazing in that you get a glimpse into their sad & lonely lives.

well, we've got some good friends coming over to dog sit, and have officially booked our trip to little rock AR. we're going to arkansas in september, with temps averaging in the 90's, & where the cheese dog was allegedly created in 1956. i'm going to be "best man" in an old & dear & weird friend's wedding! this will be an adventure!

August 24, 2009

clourophobia....crispin glover....calliope...

i'm working from home today. it's a great perk with the new job. i wanted to play some music so i opened itunes to see what the most recent music downloaded was. apparently someone had a few beers and ordered a bunch of clown music!

and look at the cover of the album! this comes up whenever the horrible calliope music plays.

if you weren't after of clowns before, that album cover should damage your psyche forever. welcome to my nightmare... Coulrophobia!!!!

August 23, 2009

billy the kid and the doll show

we went to pick up equipment at a work site for groundcat's work, and wandered into a miniature doll show! here are pics.

also, this documentary is frickin' amazing. billy the kid. just wonderful and sad and weird and good.

i can't pics to upload, so click the links...

list of old letterman show favorites

The Top Ten List, from various "home offices"
Stupid Pet Tricks
Stupid Human Tricks
Viewer Mail
Supermarket Finds
Velcro Suit
Suit of Rice Krispies
Dumb Ads
"Lucky Numbers"
Small Town News
Ask Mr. Melman (Larry "Bud" Melman)
Dave's Record Collection
Short plays presented by the Peace Through Dramatization Players (featuring Chris Ellott, Gerard Mulligan and other Late Night writers)
Crushing Things With A Steamroller

Throwing Things Off A Five-Story Building
Crushing Things With An 80-Ton Hydraulic Press
Poetry with My Dog Stan
Charlie the Bubble-Eating Dog (who never actually ate bubbles)
Visits with Meg Parsont in the Simon and Schuster Building (A camera would zoom in on the office of Parsont, an employee in the nearby Simon and Schuster Building, while Letterman spoke with her on the phone.)
Elevator Races
NBC Bookmobile
Visits with Dave's Mom
Young Inventors
Marv Albert with The Wild and the Wacky from the World of Sports
Visits with Jack Hanna
Hal Gurnee's Network Time Killer
What's Hal Wearing?

A series of "Guy" characters portrayed by Chris Elliott. Each of these characters made numerous appearances over the course of a year or two before being retired, amidst much mock fanfare. Then Elliott would appear a few episodes later playing the next in his series of "Guy" characters.

The Panicky Guy : Elliot would pretend to be an audience member who panics and runs from the studio at the slightest threat of danger (similar to doomed characters in Disaster Movies). Once in the hallway he would be run over and crushed by an advancing floor waxer, with his hands raised in terror. In one variation, he played a German Panicky Guy in Lederhosen, who was run over by a hand dolly full of cheese wheels.

The Conspiracy Guy: Elliott would again pretend to be an audience member, this time asking Dave a question. Things would quickly devolve into his character shouting and making crazy accusations about Dave and the show before running from the studio.

The Guy Under the Seats: a short character-comedy bit by Elliott who emerges from a hatchway underneath the seats in the studio audience. Immediately followed thereafter by Elliott as himself (portraying himself as living under the seats, that is) chatting amiably with Letterman. At some point Letterman would make an innocuous comment or innocent joke causing Elliott to overreact, threaten Letterman with some metaphorically articulated future comeuppance and withdraw back under the seats with the admonition "But until that day, I'm gonna be right here, making your life ..a living hell."

The Fugitive Guy: Every so often, Letterman would introduce "Roger Thompson" (Elliott, wearing an extremely bad toupée), a new member of the Late Night crew. In each appearance, "Thompson" would have a different low-level job (e.g., cue card holder, tambourine player for the band), and would grow increasingly nervous as Letterman amiably asked Thompson innocuous questions about his job and his life. Fairly quickly, Thompson would break down under the "grilling", and would then hear the approach of "the one-legged man" and flee. This sketch was a parody of The Fugitive, and eventually included a title sequence that parodied the original Quinn Martin TV series theme. The Fugitive Guy sketches concluded with a final episode where Thompson confronted the one-legged man on a water tower.

The Regulator Guy: A series of expensive-looking promos for a Terminator-like action character aired on "Late Night" over a period of several months, with Elliott playing the super-cool half-human, half-mechanical "Regulator Guy", even speaking with a bad Schwarzenegger-esque accent. Repeatedly promoted during "Late Night" as "Coming soon to NBC!" the "Regulator Guy" appeared only once in a sketch on the show, but this appearance was a (deliberately) cheap and poorly-done affair, which ended with Letterman interviewing the new sidekick character, Ajax, while completely ignoring Elliott (much to his faux-chagrin).

The New Regulator Guy: Shortly after "The Regulator Guy" was retired, Elliott came back with a re-tooled version called "The New Regulator Guy". This character similarly did not last long.

August 21, 2009

the dog before the storm...

griffin starting to get nervous.....

griffin is nervous and cleo thinks she needs a treat....

this hit me on the head. not sure if it was the high winds or a bastard squirrel...

griffin the storm watcher

exciting video!!!

griffin stayed pretty calm even with the thunder and lightning. i need to turn off the tv occasionally. i feel bad that i told ramona to "shut it". i guess not such exciting footage...

grey gardens coloring books

i'm still obsessed with the "grey gardens" . we've got the criterion collection DVDs (although 1 is currently missing) and 3 or 4 different books about the beales. we've watched the HBO version of the film, and now have a set of coloring books (thanks chris)! i think the coloring books are "collector's items" and most folks probably don't color them in, but we've had fun busting out the crayons!!!

the back of the book lists odd quote. this one is very true. i've also heard that the libra husband can be cranky and hates to do chores...

i like this pic without any coloring.

groundcat did this one.

i went for the most upsetting pic i could find. mother & daughter fight!

little edie was not having a good day...