May 7, 2009

new & improved glittergirl: less snark, more joy

i haven't blogged much recently. part of that is because facebook ate my blog, but also because i've decided to not discuss work on the internets. why?

1. i am following the rule that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. i complain and bitch way too much, and am trying to cut that out.

2. the news at work has been pretty rough. people being laid off unexpectedly, budget cuts, which brings out the "cut throat" in a lot of people. and facebook isn't the place to say, "hey, they laid off 1/2 our department today!"

a few months back i blogged about bad news at work (potential lay offs) and poor mojito was on vacation and read it! he was on a lovely beach somewhere and my dumb blog post ruined his day. so no more work talk on the blog has been the rule.

so work has been difficult. enough said.

i recently found an old friend on facebook, a girl i was friends with in junior high. shannon & i lost touch when she went to a private high school, and i'd always hoped we'd meet up again someday. she found me on facebook and i was so excited to hear from her!

she's an incredibly bright, motivated person. she's full of joy and inspiration, just how i remembered her from all those years ago. i added her blog to the peeps list (the inspired writer). she radiates positivity.

i was just the other day wondering, "do this girl ever have a bad day? does she ever get cranky?" and in reading her blog from yesterday i see that yes, she does. but then she catches herself, and immediately move forward into positivity. that is just amazing to me.

so i'm using her as an example. i'm working on being less cynical, less "snarky", and learning how to manage stress (especially at work.) i want to find a way of being less negative. to dwell on the positive things in my life.

i came to work today with some lilacs from the back yard, my beloved starbucks, and a smile. it seems to be working. work is still difficult, but i feel fine.

as shannon puts it, i'm attempting to get my bloom on.

check out the writing on the back of the cup! if that's not a sign, i don't know what is!


  1. a good attitude to hold

  2. I think alot of us keep the snark and other similar things around as release valves.

    I think it has it's place, but I think we tend to use it as a crutch. I think we lose our perspective, get caught up in life, and lash out with it.

    I know I use it too much when I talk to you, and other friends. and that's not fair.

    Things aren't always going to go the way we want, but is it really that big of a deal in the long run? How many times have we gotten upset about a situation in the past that worked itself out and we don't even think about it to this day?

    I'm so extremely lucky to have the life I have, I think alot of us are. All the wonderful people that I can call my friends.

    You'll find your way through this rough patch, Jennifer. Whether it goes the way you think, expect, or hope, who knows. But you'll come through the other side. I'll put money on it :)

    Sorry, I'm a bit wordy tonight lol

  3. don't be sorry, i like wordy.

    and really, my "rough patch" is being in very real jeopardy of losing my job. which will suck.

    and it scares me because i've always had a job, since my first paper route at age 8.

    i've always defined myself by my job, my work being laid off is terrifying.

    until i remember that i can survive it. i have a wonderful husband, amazing family & friends, and a place to live. i won't become homeless.

    i'll survive career problems as long as i remember it's not the most important thing in life.

    besides, i'll finally have time to paint the bathroom pink, organize the kitchen, and learn how to bake an apple pie!

  4. Maybe you're looking at the finality of it too strongly?

    If this job goes away, there will be other jobs. You've got too good of a skill set. You almost sound as if you won't ever find another job after this one goes away?

    Of course, the job market is in the tank, but you'll find something, something will turn up eventually.

  5. well, since no one reads my blog, i'll comment in more detail on my job situation.

    there's a real "finality" to losing my job right now. the market for IT jobs is terrible, and hardest hit is QA.

    in our area, entire QA departments are being laid off, the jobs either going to india or just going away.

    i love my job, and i have a great skill set as a senior level QA analyst. i'll find something, eventually.

    (i've been looking since last october, and i've seen what few jobs there were dry up.)

    so i think my feeling strongly about the finality of the situation is justified. but there's more to life then work...


  6. Well, in my opinion, the only "final" piece of it is related to where you're at now. Everything else is up in the air.

    Yes, the market looks the way it does right now, but who knows how that will change.

    With your skills, you could possibly branch out into BA/PM roles.

    Again, I'll give you "finality" with your current position, but after that, it's just a new beginning :)

  7. You're going to be less cynical? Yeah, THAT'LL happen!


  8. BTW, you didn't ruin my trip...I basically sat there, analyzed what was happening, went "oh well, fuck it.", cracked a beer and walked out onto the dock to listen to the sounds of the Atlantic off in the distance. It kind of put my mind at ease.

    Also, there are quite a few jobs out there right now in pretty senior level just gotta know where to look ;-)

    I'm like you, I'm keeping all of this on the DL and not putting it on FB. IF you could catch 20 mins. somewhere today, we should chat.

  9. dear cynical mojito,

    i said LESS. i'll never be "snark free". but i'll be more positive, just to spite you!

