April 6, 2009

a random list (inspired by EOB)

1. my favorite blogger EOB made a random list around 3am. i love random lists. she has a fascinating numbering system too.
2. my co-workers are a fascinating bunch. i am continually surprised that people who make a good salary as professionals still use the word "ain't". even worse then that is the use of the phrase "all's i know..." all's i know is that anyone who says that is a dummy.

3. this weekend we went to starbucks and i had a creepy guy ask me for my coffee and then invite me into his pick-up truck. i felt like a little kid in an afterschool special! i, of course, handled it in my own way. i giggled like crazy, told him to leave my iced venti quad latte away, and that i was just waiting for my husband to pick me up. he got really close, looked into my eyes, and said something like, "oh, i guess i don't know you..." and walked away. creepy!

4. turkey vultures: we had a bunch of these giant birds this weekend. they even perched up on the barn for a while. here's groundcat's post about them from 2006. (this was when we were first dating.....good times!)

5. let the right one in: we watched it. i can't decide what i think about it......love/hated it.

6. i cooked a crapload of fresh spinach last night. here's the recipe i used. it turned out yummy. i'm completely obsessed & addicted to spinach. which is odd, since it's good for you...

7. suzuki sx4 vs. the mini cooper. there's a new commercial that made me giggle. it's like mcdonald's vs. starbucks. (and yes, my suzuki is mcdonald's in the equation.)

8. i heard we're getting snow today. everyone is flipping out pissed. i'm kind of happy about it. me likey the snow.

9. quote of the weekend: "get your own dream dogs!!!" (groundcat said this after telling me about a dream he had where we had 4 dogs. i said 1 should be a great dane and he said the above. it's right up there with, "it's not fluff time!!!" (he said this when a traffic light took too long to change.) koo koo nutty.
10. we had a spider in a glass of drinking water. i want to burn the house down and move now. hehehehe....
ok, now to add some random and not random photos, and go to a work meeting. damn work and facebook have killed my blog....


  1. Round up one of those turkey vultures for dinner sunday...
    Mini Coopers are suppose to be superior...good car and not expensive..
    I hate spiders...so I say burn it down...

  2. Re: Creepy guy: next time, maybe try picking your nose with intent.


    What if he likes it?


  3. All's I know is that you ain't right in the head.
