April 30, 2009

my poor, neglected blog....

facebook & my current job stress have kept me from blogging. besides some photo uploads, i got nothing. i did find a handwritten list of a few blog ideas i've written down, so i'll be lazy and just list the ideas.

no crying over spilled meat: this was going to be an in depth post about how i cry when i see dead animals on the side of the road, how i worry about the deer, but continue to eat meat. also wanted to talk about how i am such a "cry-er" and that i cry so easily.

real housewives of.....: i am ashamed to admit my guilty pleasure tv watching. but when dan's not home or not paying attention, i watch "the real housewives of...." whatever city. NY is my favorite, and the NJ premiere was awesome! those ladies know how to cake on the makeup and fight! rich people acting badly, fun to observe.

reality show w/people i don't actually hate: big & rob. skateboard kid with fat black guy sidekick, bulldogs and a miniature pony.

words that are funny: bromance. fauxhawk.

advice: when in doubt, order the breaded chicken

movies: this movie about independant record stores looks amazing. this movie looks really great as well. they both make me feel nostalgic about the "good old days" of FM DJs (uncle vic on sunday nights!) and little record stores ("used kids" in columbus was my fav.)

that's all i got. very sad. now i'll attach a pic. yawn.......


  1. those movies look right up our alley. can't wait to see.

  2. I love Rob and Big. The episode where Big makes Rob go to his Hometown in Georgia and wear his uncle's moldy suit to church, and then Big has to hang out in the Cincinnati Working Burbs is awesome. It's really honest and Ohioish. There was a time when they gave free episodes of that on iTunes. It's embarassing but I like that show.
    The Housewives shows just make me angry. I have no idea why, beacuse the Osbournes was funny. Somehow I didn't mind their being undeservedly rich.

  3. Snooty rich is bad...crazy and rich is good....

  4. Jennifer, Love your blog and your wonderful voice and humor.
    I especially love the words that are funny. My list would include: flummox. obsuficate.
