February 5, 2009

things i have invented...

i like to think of myself as a genius, and a revolutionary thinker. an undiscovered inventor of stunning & earth-shattering notions. you be the judge...

the "fireworks setting method" on point & shoot digital cameras. it allows the photographer to get the same effects as a long exposure in low light with a 35 mm camera. trippy...

LASS- similar to LOL. this means "laughing and snorting simultaneously"

various sandwiches- 3 veggie breakfast sandwiches, a bagel/ cream cheese & ham sandwich, and my earliest creation, the bologna/ potato chip/ mustard smashed sandwich.

cheating rummy- as a kid, i was bored by card games. my friends were always pestering me to play rummy. so during a sleepover when i was around 6 yrs old, i came up with the idea to see who could cheat the best. everyone was encouraged to be creative and sneaky. you got extra points for pulling off things like stealing all the aces while shuffling, or hiding a secret hand of winning cards up your pajama sleeve. i actually didn't win.

nickname tuesdays- this never really caught on, but i've tried to institute this day when you give family, friends, and co-workers random nicknames. dan was once "old man butter nuts" and i think chris was "petunia". i like to keep it random & surreal. call your boss "old skillet face" or your mom "monkey boots".

words- i have invented many new words and phrases since i started blogging back in 2005. i am too lazy and also busy with actual work to go back and find these words. my memory sucks too much to remember them.

the sloppy/wipe off method- when applying makeup or nail polish, don't be so careful. turn the lights down and slap it on! then, when it's all dry, wipe off the excess. make sure and double check your results (with lights on) before you leave the house, or you'll go to work looking like a hung-over drag queen.

that's all i can think of for now. time for more coffee! i'll add to the list when i think of other things....

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