December 21, 2008

weekend crappola

the weekend, as usual, went by way too fast. i haven't been too blog chatty these days, so i'll discuss what we've watched on the telly.
first, we watched all the episodes of "the tick" on DVD. i loved that show when it was on in 2001 and it's as awesome as i remember it.

(A vending machine has taken a commuter's money and failed to deliver a cup of coffee)
Tick: Metal fiend. So, vending menace, we meet again. Armless bandit! Empty your bladder of that bitter black urine men call coffee! It has its price and that price has been paid! (slams machine back onto the ground; it delivers a cup of coffee) Java devil, you are now my bitch.

now watching "return from witch mountain" and it's as horrible as i remember it.

Having spent a good deal of time enjoying the company of their newfound family and friends at Witch Mountain and intensively studying and practicing their supernormal powers, it is decided that Tony and Tia deserve a vacation in Los Angeles, California. Uncle Bené drops them off in their flying saucer in the Rose Bowl Stadium, after which they quickly become separated from each other. Dr. Gannon and Letha happen to see Tony using his powers, kidnap him, and successfully test the doctor's new mind-control technology on him. With Tony at his robotic bidding, Dr. Gannon hopes to achieve recognition within the scientific community and worldwide power, while Letha merely wants a return on her investment.

Tia must find Tony and foil the villains' nefarious plans. Fortunately, a group of wanna-be tough guys called the Earthquake Gang and hapless truant officer Mr. Yokomoto – whom the guys call "Yo-Yo" – come to her aid. The boys and their relationship with "Yo-Yo" bring a great deal of comic relief to the film, along with the underlying message that it might actually be "cool to stay in school."

the kids in the gang are named rocky, crusher, muscles, and dazzler. i cannot stop laughing over the poor kid with the gang name of dazzler!

1 comment:

  1. thats the best picture of Cleo...but the tongue on Griffin....WOW
