December 30, 2008

surreal new year's resolutions....

In 2009, glittergirl1970 resolves to...
Go cursing three times a week.
Find a new hem.
Give some clean sheets to charity.
Take evening classes in mash.
Eat more sharpie pens.
Spend less time on brooklyn.
Get your own New Year's Resolutions:

these are funny. another meme stolen from my pal T. but i really am making a list of resolutions for 2009, as cheesy as it sounds. i want to make some changes and be healthier. i saw myself on HD DVD and i need to lose weight! plus i could always stand to eat more sharpie pens.....


  1. sorry this doesnt work unless you are a live journal us losers are not allowed to participate...

  2. sorry mom!

    maybe you should post a list of your own.


  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    you should try the wii fit for exercise. it's pricey and not easy to find but it's so worth it. you might even like it!! you should try mine first. maybe i could bring it to mom's some day and we can all jump around it. and it will call us all fat!!!!

  4. Or you can use the Fit Board for something really fun like Shaun White's Snowboarding Roadtrip...that game is fun!

  5. no list...I got nothing...

  6. let us know by the end of the day how many resolutions have been broken....

  7. so far the only resolution i've broken is the one about complaining less. i've been bitching & moaning about a sinus headache all day!
