November 16, 2008

recent pics

a word about the geese in the 4th photo: saturday morning we slept in, and the windows were open. around 9am we started to hear car horns honking. we got up and looked out the window and saw a huge parade of geese crossing the road. traffic was stopped and cars were honking. it must have been about 30 geese, and they all waddled across the road. they spent about an hour in our yard, then decided to cross back, and the horns started honking again. i was a nervous wreck, hoping none of them got hit. i think they all made it....

also, we watched "grey gardens" last night. it was amazing. some of it hard to watch, and at points i didn't know whether i should be laughing or crying. but i can't stop thinking about it, and am now obsessed with seeing the extra footage.
ok, it's sunday so that means starbucks!


  1. Are we having goose for Thanksgiving???

  2. One of the ladies in Grey Gardens is Jackie Kennedys 1st cousin...

  3. what is it? please respond on facebook. thank you.

  4. you & facebook can go right to hell!!!! i should have put you on my list of blog killers!
