October 13, 2008

these are the rules for kids in marching band at my old alma mater. someone snapped a photo while there for an alumni night, and i've been giggling about it ever since.
i would have been fine with the rule about cell phones (since they didn't exist back in the old days) but would have gotten dinged for swearing, vandalism (if you count tossing our old instruments across the field and occasionally dropping them), talking on the field, not having my music, etc....

i don't see any rules against toliet papering the band director's home (we did this every fall!) and no rules against locking someone in the tuba closet for 1/2 a day...so maybe i would have been ok.
in other news: i found out i am not registered to vote! i've voted in every election, and in the past was registered at my old cleveland address. i've been in mentor for 2 years, and when i got my new driver's license after getting married, thought i would be registered! i went online to make sure i could vote in cleveland if the mentor address wasn't updated, and saw i wasn't registered at all. i feel horrible. i've voted in every election since my senior year (1988 democratic primaries, go jesse jackson!!!)
i suck! sorry barack....


  1. I think public displays of affection with a minor would warrant more than 1 point towards getting kicked out...

  2. hahahahaha, i just noticed that.

    also, back in the "olden days", none of the band geeks were seeing any action, even amongst their own kind. in 4 years, i don't think i ever witnessed any major or minor PDAs!

  3. hence the word "band Geeks"

  4. also, i have to say, we were not called band geeks. we were "band fags". in fact, we referred to ourselves as such. i knew it was bad to say, and had gay friends at a young age. it was just what kids said back in the 80's in the east side suburbs of cleveland.

    i saw something about a recent public service campaign being launched, telling kids it's not ok to call something "gay". like, it's not ok to use the word gay in place of lame, stupid, or bad.

    i loved that!

  5. I guess geeks came along at a later time...

  6. Anonymous5:41 PM

    if barack obama does not win i will personally blame you. if we have to deal with sarah palin for at least the next 4 years, it will BE ALL YOUR FAULT. i'm not mad but i am real disappointed!!!!

  7. Anonymous8:32 PM

    You can still register! http://www.rockthevote.com/ You have to vote!

  8. Anonymous8:42 PM

    actually the last day to register in ohio to be able to vote in this election was 10/3 i believe- you have to be registered at least 30 days prior to the election.

  9. Anonymous12:06 AM

    I was a band geek...we didn't use fag in tiffin...and I played the flute.. Anyway, dude, those band rules suck a$$. We didn't have many rules except, 'show up'.

    Can't you appeal the registration thing? vote absentee? C'MON!?!?!?!
