October 15, 2008

my blog is so dead.....

my blog is so boring. really dead these days. it's musty and smells of mothballs. it needs a good airing out. i've tried to post 3 times today and deleted each attempt. i blame facebook and twitter! also, my job worries aren't helping. it's hard to have snarky good fun when i'm sick with worry about my job, ya dig? but life is more important then any job, and things are really good in my life-outside-of-work, duh!

i am also feeling horrible about not being able to vote. i suck. and everytime i see the "obama/biden" signs i think they say "osama bin laden". every damn time! i can't be the only one having this same thought process. i never saw the big deal about barack's name until i saw the signs with "biden". i hope folks afraid of something they don't understand (islamic religion) don't let the similar names scare them off. again, i'm so sorry about not being registered to vote. i'm sorry barack!!! (lovely photo supplied from time magazine.)

and now for a classic jen-copax conversation:

me: i feel really sick. naseous. teeth hurt. what does that all mean? someone at work suggested i was pregnant. LMFAO!!!

copax: my clinical diagnosis is stress. my fantasy diagnosis is you got some of that well water in you from DOTDITWell day and you'll end up with dyptheria

and finally, while we're talking about classics, this is for my mom:

bye bye for now!


  1. You need to delete all copies of that hideous ballon man...or woman...

  2. Looks like we could all use a blog break to restructure...

  3. Anonymous3:37 PM

    I was taking the cheese grater to my feet the other day, hoping for blood, and thought of you.
    How are you feet?

  4. I'm sure from the last time I saw them they could use a little grating...You know those feet of hers....

  5. Sorry about the not voting... are we getting the whole story? Because convicted felons aren't allowed to vote.

    I'm just saying... : )

  6. uc freak- first of all, my feet are just fine, thanks! although i could use one of those avon "cheese grater" foot things. (just bring it to the reception!) or have you given up the avon lady gig? have you moved on to tupperware, mary kaye, or those awful "fun" parties?

    that's a potential blog post...the "fun party" i attended many years ago, and how i ended up unable to speak for a few minutes after consumption of "secret" substance and....oh, forget it!

    welcome dr. z! hope your junk is healing up nicely. i'll need to check your blog for the TMI details that i enjoy.

    and for your information, any convictions prior to turning 18 are not considered. not that i ever did anything!!!!!

    p.s. i just got out of a 3 hour meeting, so if this is full of typos or not making sense, whatever!

