September 15, 2008

weekend wrap up.....

by the looks of this map, mentor got hit really hard last night. it could be another day or 2 before power is restored.

last night i was remembering the blackout in 2003. that was way worse, especially when no one knew why the power grid failed (it was less then 2 years since 9/11.) i only remember that i was living alone, with no dogs yet. i holed up inside my apartment with a small radio and supply of batteries, and some snacks. it was really hot and (except for the radio) too quiet.

this time around i was with groundcat and 3 dogs, and we knew it was just weather related. much easier to deal with. we're going to lose a fully stocked refrigerator and possibly freezer contents. but otherwise, we'll be just fine. some large branches fell during the storm, but the house and cars were spared. so, all in all, it could have been a lot worse.

now i'm at work, with electricity, blogging on my lunch break. the sun is even peaking out a little! here are some random photos from the weekend:

the barn, before the storm
the weird sky in the parking lot this morning (6:30am)

groundcat loves cleaning up after the dogs!

me in the wind, and griffin trying to hide from the storm

cleo waiting for me to drop something (which i did!) and the parking lot on saturday. it was up to my ankles when i walked to my car.

it's perfect weather to go shopping! and, why i love cracker barrel.

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