September 22, 2008

stream of consciousness travelogue

in no particular order, all in one big paragraph: we started with starbucks and mcdonald's, and the best happy meal toy ever. i think i found the perfect halloween costume for dan!) chippewa lake park was really scary and i almost chicken out, but dan yanked me through the hole in the fence and i'm so glad we did it. i wish i had taken more photos, especially since it will all be torn down soon. we had the best salad ever at some bravo italian restaurant. saturday night we went fancy-pants and had a steak served on a 500 degree plate, in a boiling dish of butter. crazy! the hotel smelled like a "new pony" (i don't know what that means) and couldn't get wifi to work. we watched the hunter s. thompson "gonzo" movie one night. there were interviews i'd never seen and footage of a young HST on "truth or consequences" looking very unhappy to be there. we hit some old bookstores and junk shops, including an antique fountain pen store where the owner tried to sell us a 5 foot tall nut cracker and a life sized plastic cadaver doll. when dan asked if he had any fountain pens with skulls on them, he said, "no, but i've got a skull story for you..." and proceeded to tell us of a friend who (during WWII) was a trained assassin (specializing in the garrote) who brought home a "souvenir" of one of his victims skulls. after that interesting story, we met tim j. and david at an old favorite restaurant (cafe bella) where we ate outdoors and tim told us horrible, inappropriate stories about recent nightmares. we ended lunch with me telling horrible, inappropriate stories about when i worked at the group home in columbus. i asked david to take a pic of me & dan, and dan gave his best "uncomfortable" face ever. on sunday we met stacy, henry & ana at schmidt's (old german restaurant.) henry is all grown up! ana is hilarious and insisted corn would be good mixed in with her creme puff. stacy gave us a wedding gift (her portraits of griffin, which are even better in person.) she gave me the coolest "glittergirl" box of stickers, note cards, etc... i'm sure it's meant for a child, but i love it!!! and i shared some stickers with ana. i know how to play nice! sauerkraut balls are really good, fyi. after lunch we checked out a lovely little house stacy might rent. i was horrified to see a huge bush of small purple flowers, covered in giant bumblebees. it's called "bee balm" and it seems like a bad idea. thankfully there's no such thing as "clown balm". starbucks, good meals, a nice hotel room with the AC cranked, dilapidated old amusement park in the woods, stacy & the kids, tim & david, and a winkie guard. yes, all in all a good weekend getaway. now for photos!!!


  1. My stream of consciousness responses..

    why are grown women compelled to buy happy meals? Not saying there's anything wrong with it, just you're not the first grown woman I've known who did that.

    Did jack hannah's head move? it looks like it could.

    Ana looks absolutely adorable! she also looks like she had alot of wisdom to share with you guys, hope you listened!

    That gwiffin artwork is phenomenal! the eyes totally captured his gwiffin-ness.

    what? no pictures in the schmidt's sign?!

    What goes on inside Danny's Gold Fox Show Bar? and can Mr. Dan get me VIP access?

    the seam on the doll's dress looks very inappropriate, when it's sitting down with the legs spread eagle like that

    Ok, I'll stop now, I could keep going

  2. Anonymous7:23 PM

    a good time was had by all. my favorite photo was Ana pouting. when we showed her the photo she burst into laughter!

  3. I'm so hurt you won't put the Billy Bob poster in a place of honor> hahahahahahaha!

  4. sds- billy bob has a special place of honor, in the garbage can!

    chris- do i behave at all like a "grown woman"? do you see the photo at the bottom of the post? does a grown woman obsess about sea monkeys, paint her nails blue, put glittery stickers on everything, or carry "good luck buckeyes" in her purse?

    also, we noticed the "inappropriate seam" on the doll's dress. and my new rock band shall be called "the inappropriate seams"!!!!

    and finally, to answer your question about danny's gold fox show bar: there are foxes inside, and they're gold.

  5. Are "The Inappropriate Seams" going to open up for the "Bald Pink Haters"?

  6. I know you don't act like a grown woman, but you are a grown woman, at least age-wise. and you're not the only grown woman age-wise that buys happy meals. that was my point. grown men age-wise don't buy happy meals, regardless of whether they act like grown men.

  7. ah chris, i missed your point! for me, happy meals are the perfect amount of food, but that's because i had weightloss surgery and can only eat small amounts.

    mojito- i have so many band names, but no actual bands, LOL!

  8. I think that's the "gateway". The food size. That justifies the excitement over the toy

    "Hey, I just got the perfect sized meal! Oh look! I also got a free toy!"

    that makes alot of sense now. Thanks for helping me figure it out! :)

  9. Anonymous5:02 PM

    grown men, age-wise, will buy happy meals for their grown wives if it makes them happy to get creepy dolls.

    also, i pulled billybob out of the trash. it will be hung someday.

    hmmm, if you read this comment on it's own, it wouldn't make much sense...

  10. Good point, Dan. I incorrectly assumed that jennifer bought the happy meal for herself. I sit corrected.

  11. I propose that Copax cannot justifiably rail against the Baconator and then give you a hard time about a reasonable serving of sludge. Sludge + Toy + Handy Box > Separate Items of Sludge - Toy + Flimsy Ass Grease Bag.

    It's Science!

  12. wait, what?!

    I suck at math. guess that's why I went into computers

  13. also just to set the record straight, I never "railed" against the happy meals, I was just curious why I had seen the situatino multiple times and was trying to understand it. I say all meals should be "happy" meals, and we should get some kind of toy or game with it. Olive Garden could have tiny little bottles of vino that the liquid inside "disappears" when you make a pouring motion with them..

    Subway could give away little Jared dolls that come with pre-subway fat suits you can put on them

    hmm...what could the Crazy Horse give away with their Prime Rib Businessman's Lunch Buffet...hmmm

  14. Your own set of electric cardiac paddles? I believe in First Aid it's called an AED machine or some such....


  15. "prime rib businessman's lunch buffet" is just so....wrong... it sounds like something out of the late 70's.

    also, we have an AED machine in the lunchroom here, and i cannot tell you how many times i've wanted to take it out and "test" it on some obnoxious co-worker. like a coworker who tells you about a nude clown calander....

  16. I was going to go with glitter on your business suit in inappropriate places, but unfortunately they changed the rules in ohio so there's that whole "no touchy" rule.
