September 6, 2008

something old, something new, something random....

a story: i was out running errands yesterday, and when i returned home, i found the mexican landscapers in front of the barn, killing snakes. i wasn't expecting to see them yesterday. they were back to finish putting down mulch in front of the barn. i stopped the car to say hello and found them all just sort of standing and staring at something. one guy got a camera out. he said, "look...snake!" it was the cutest little snake. i said, "oh wow, look how little and cute he is!" then i noticed the guy was in the process of cutting it in 1/2 with clippers. so i said, "oh wow, you're killing it! ok, then.... have a nice day!"

something real lovely: go read this old post of mine. then look at what groundcat got for me!!! i don't want to get all mushy, but that's one of the sweetest, most romantical things ever. of course now he's going to have to buy me another one every year. we're going to have to build a cabinet for all the dan & jen snowpeople to live in. i'm thinking of gluing one to the hood of my car. or seeing if they make a larger, life-sized blow up version for in front of the barn at xmas. so many ideas!!!

something old and thrifty: i found these neat little measuring cups at a thrift store for only 2 bucks!

the usual: ok, time to go do some weekend type stuff like take photos of dogs and listen to groundcat play guitar. and starbucks will need to be involved. yes...

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