September 29, 2008

a random list of what sucks:

dan is in philly for the entire week

i'm sick (sore throat, chills, sneezing, etc..)
there's talk of major layoffs at work, and it's scary to think about in this crappy economy

(here's the random part:) i still have a weird crush on the counting crows lead singer. how embarrassing!

i scraped my front bumper at a bank machine this morning, did some major damage

forgot my work laptop this morning and had to drive all the way home to get it
paul newman died

i took this photo in vegas. it shows paul newman & joanne woodward at their vegas wedding in 1958. they were my example of a "good" hollywood marriage...
ok, to cheer myself up, here's a pic of me & groundcat gettin' hitched!!!
ok, count down til dan comes home: 5 days. (my gosh, that seems like a long GD time!!!)
ok, whining over. maybe i'll blog something interesting or funny later on....but why start a whole new trend? i'll stick to boring, random, with an extra helping of whiny.


  1. More things that suck:

    My head feels like a balloon, my throat is sore.

    My company is floundering, yet there's still enough time for me to get bitched at because I didn't bother to get our contact page updated on our non-main website, so now I'm making us look bad. Not that whole sub-prime disaster, or the fact that this place is run by monkeys on crack.

    The fact that I get to go home to an empty apartment as always.

    The fact that I was the only single adult male on the dance floor for the tossing of the garter at one of the weddings I was at this weekend. (no, I didn't catch it, there was a spazzed out kid in the front row who got it, then tore ass out of the hall once he found out he had to kiss the bouquet catcher as a result)

    So, guess what, Ms. Bossy don't have the market cornered on whine, my dear :)

  2. the part about the spazzy kid & the garter made me LMAO!

    also, you should be happy i made you a pretty year book photo.

  3. Massive Layoffs?!?!?

    Shut the entire EFF up!

    What layoffs???

    I go away for exactly 1 freakin' week and there's talks of layoffs???

    What thee hell????

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
