September 2, 2008

more weekend pics, this time with captions!


this is groundcat in his "happy place", emptying out cabinets full of old VHS tapes, cassettes and albums to show everyone.

creepy nest (mothman???)

handsome caesar waiting for treats.

mom and groundcat investigate something...

cute mike is laughing at me about something.

jennette takes yet another photo of griffin. (check out groundcats boots! those are what they call "shit kickers")

gwiffin!!!! (as copax would say...)

a pretty sunset. we actually go out into the sun once in a while!

very pretty in pink!

griffin up on the new furniture, where he is not allowed (but "grandma" lets him!)

again, griffin up on furniture he's not supposed to be on (but his buddy chris lets him.)

ok, that's it for weekend pics. ciao!

1 comment:

  1. picture no. 1

    there is a place in England called Prickly Ball Farm...and a hospital there called Hedgehog...believe it or not..

    Picture no. 2

    That boy looks happier then a pig in a mud puddle...

    Picture no. 7

    Dem boots are made for walking...So walk on out ah here!
