September 17, 2008

disasters avoided

during that terrible storm, another huge tree limb fell. this time the barn was spared, and our cars too! the tree limb would have smashed our cars, but was stopped by some smaller trees. it's balanced on one tiny, sharp end. not sure if you can tell how big this damn thing is by the photo, but it's big!
driving home yesterday, i noticed what i thought was damage to my windshield. i snapped this pic for insurance (& blogging) purposes. when i got out of the car to pick up a pizza, i touched the spot. it was not windshield damage at all, but a blog of something weird and sticky. i screamed and jumped, and at least 2 people watched the entire thing happen.

but all in all, good news and my beloved little orange crossover car remains unscathed.

ok, my blog is officially boring. i'd recommend you check out erin o'brien (she's on fire these days) and anthony cartouche (his post about 5 books you regret not reading was great.) also, the music is the message had another post that had me spending my entire lunch hour commenting. (i love music nerd list making!)


  1. I like your blog. I love the housewife illustrations below. Poor mom still has no power in Richfield!

    Thanks for the shout.

  2. what is a blog of something weird?
