September 12, 2008

bunny clown crucifixion (mixed media, 2008)
we went thrift shopping recently, and instead of buying all the strange crap i found, i just took photos. it's saving me money and keeping down on the clutter in our house. although it was hard to pass up potential dotditwell day candidates.
this blog has been pretty dead lately. my husband has even resorted to leaving sympathy comments. but i shall continue on with my prattle. here we go!

(orangina swine, ceramic, 2008)
there's a better blog then mine, called the music is in the message (which i found on my beloved pabija) that is all about music geek love, and lots of lists. enjoy!

creepy inappropriate (ceramic, 2008)
something odd: on my drive into downtown, i've noticed an odd banner on one of the overpasses. it says, "wild rabbits dance at nite" and has a weird painting. i only see it briefly and it's too difficult to snap a photo while driving. when rachel and i go to coventry tomorrow for lunch, i'll get a photo. what does it mean???

the fat hand of god, and animal godspell (ceramic, cloth and feathers, 2008)
on 9/11: i was sitting at my desk, staring out the window at the tall buildings i love so much, when i realized the date. i started to imagine what it was like to see those giant planes fly into concrete and metal buildings... it was overwhelming. i remembered where i was when it happened, in another tall building downtown, at another company. we were in a meeting and someone has howard stern on (it was a casual meeting) when he started to report the crashes. we rushed to find a tv and saw the coverage. then we heard a hijacked plane was over cleveland, and downtown was evacuated. i had taken the bus, but found someone to give me a lift. i got home to find david watching the coverage and trying to find out if his friends in NYC were ok. he had just moved from there a few months prior and was living with me while he searched for a job in cleveland. he heard from friends who said that his old apartment building was littered with debris from the buildings that had blown across the brooklyn bridge. none of it made sense. it still doesn't. not sure why i wanted to blog about that, but there ya go.

a tragic end to cuteness, and girls who grew up in the 80's love dolphins (mixed media, 2008)
good tv: last night i caught repeats of the office (this episode) and 30 rock (this episode.) if i had to recommend 2 tv shows to boss someone to watch, i'd pick these 2 shows and these specific episodes. just some of the weirdest, most uncomfortable and super funny moments in recent tv history. yeah.

beaver nutz (ceramic, 2008)
a realization: i stuck to "virgin rickies" and whole wheat preztels last night, real healthy. yet i still managed to almost crash into a wall by snagging my big toe on my "old man" pajama bottoms. i can't remember anything if i don't write it down. apparently it has nothing to do with booze. i am just old, clumsy and forgetful. dammit!

creeps (unknown, date unknown)
why does these masks scare me so badly? they seem like they might steal your soul.

obese leporidae and sort of griffin-esque (i've run out of ideas for naming and pretend art gallery tags, ok???)
ok, i'm exhausted by this whole fake art gallery exhibit schtick. i'm sure we all are. and a post that includes 9/11 serious thoughts and "nutz" seems like a bad idea. this is one of those days when my favorite quote seems appropriate: buy the ticket, take the ride...... (hst). yes!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    that banner is totally from 'the sign guy' he's the local artist that puts up signs all over tremont also. if i could post a picture in the comments i would but i can't so i won't. he's on my myspace and you can see a pic of it in his blog.
