September 10, 2008

back to happy & random

today is good. fighting with mojito about the "virgin gin ricky". i met david for lunch at HOB and ate lunch outdoors, even with scary bees and wasps lurking. it was beautiful out. now i'm getting some major work done while the sun shines into the office. things are looking up!

on the walk back to the office, i witnessed a guy have a total meltdown in front of one of the downtown banks. he was a large white guy dressed in back, real tan like he's outdoors a lot. he was screaming about "international banking conspiracies!!!" and had 5 security guards surrounding him. i walked by real fast and snuck a photo from far enough away that he didn't see me. as i told david, i've just decided to laugh in the face of my fears, for today at least. tomorrow i might hiding under the bed. (if we had an "under the bed" and not a mattress on the floor.) but you get my drift. i'll post pics of the hub-bub when i get home.

i am so excited to see this film. i remember hearing about it when i was a kid and might have seen it on night flight. punk rock!

also, follow my bossing to watch punch drunk love. it's a weird and lovely romantic story for freaks & geeks. and adam sandler is perfect in the role. i've always loved the digital artwork between scenes, and recently found out that the artist & his girlfriend killed himself. the story is fascinating and depressing, and involves all kinds of bizarre conspiracy theories. to me, it just shows that even attractive, successful people battle all kinds of demons. people react to this story by saying, "how could such a beautiful couple do such a thing?" as if unattractive people committing suicide is ok. something to ponder.

ok, back to happy and random: spaghetti cat mystery solved.

1 comment:

  1. I've seen Punch Drunk Love and liked it a lot....the scene with his family where he just reaches overload and breaks the patio window was very true to life, I've seed that look on dual diagnosis clients' faces right before they either blew or turned it back to harbor....
