August 22, 2008

the transformation.......

click on photos below to see larger versions.

before and after:

(the front of the house. this blew me away.)

side view

back of house

view from living room window

more crazy landscaping pics:


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Big changes! I like things opened up to the sun, but I kinda figured you preferred it all overgrown and wild...?

    Did you/are you having things planted in the remaining beds?

    Also, what's that big thing/structure in view outside the living room window?

    I really love the feel of the interior of your home that comes thru in your photos. I have to keep so many things out of the reach of little ones that it can seem like the rooms are lacking something hre...personality, I guess. When I'm older I want to have a home like yours, with my own artwork hanging up, grouchy pets lounging on well-loved chairs and many, many photos and books everywhere. ;)

  2. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The landscaping looks amazing! Such a difference. Is your house filled with light now? What do the dogs think of it all?
