August 19, 2008

it was 20 years ago today.....

i was just thinking about how email and the internet has changed the way i communicate with friends and family. when i went to OSU (fall of 1988), there was no way to electronically keep in touch with anyone. i could call my family & friends back in cleveland long distance (which as a college freshman i couldn't afford) or hand write letters. this article talks about how that has changed drastically for an entire generation. i can't even imagine how much easier college would have been with access to wikipedia, or even a computer to type up papers! i typed my papers on a manual typewriter, without having taken a typing class. it would sometimes take me hours to get one page typed correctly.

a friend (an older girl who lived off campus) had a word processor and taught me how to use that. it made things much easier. i could even type letters to friends & family at home! and i heard about this thing called email that some professors were starting to use... it sounded amazing, but i wouldn't have access to my own email account until sometime around 1995.

i can't imagine how college would have been with cell phones, GPS, facebook & myspace, etc....and i guess with my 20 year high school reunion fast approaching, i am waxing nostalgic. it's also my senior citizen way of saying, "you young whipper snappers have no idea how easy you have it! i had to walk to school, 20 miles, with no shoes!!!"

i've stayed friends with some folks from high school. others i lost touch with, but with the advent of email we're now back in touch. i even created a blog for the north high rangers class of 88! click here to see what i came up with. it's a rough draft, just an idea i had, a way to keep everyone informed of the upcoming reunion. and a way to catch up with old friends, share stories and photos. i'm about to send it out to more people, so any feedback would be appreciated.
one more thing: in talking to an old friend from high school (and marching band geek like me) we got the idea to start a group on facebook. we created the group for north high marching band alumni and within an hour we have 8 members!


  1. I heard about email through work. I was an assistant manager at Record Town, and we got this fancy new cash register. My boss was telling me about it and she says," and each morning we get this 'e mail' from the main office. Some kind of electronic letter that we can respond to."

    Anyway, I'm so glad you're going to your 20th. I missed mine, but made it to the 15. Had a blast! High school was no cake walk for me by any means. But people do indeed change, and I looked better than most of those aging genxers!

  2. I started off using Prodigy and didn't really get into e-mail until I was at Akron U. I felt special because they were using it in my honors english class and we had special 3.5" floppy disks we had to use to log into the pcs to use them. and in 10 short years I'm now sending emails from my cell phone while I'm driving. Ahh, progress.

    wait...that is progress right?

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    most freshmans entering college this year were born in 1990!!! there is a list of things that they have always had in their lives, like caller id. crazy.
    check it out-

  4. Kids these days! When I was a child, we only got one button on our videa game controllers! And we liked it!

  5. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I just checked when my high school 20 year reunion was--- last weekend. Oops, guess I wasn't on the guest list.

  6. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I just checked when my high school 20 year reunion was--- last weekend. Oops, guess I wasn't on the guest list.
