August 8, 2008

architecure geek, music geek, now weather geek?

(click here and listen to the song while you read this post)

crazy news story of the day #1 (rotten smelling penis flower)

crazy news story of the day #2 (hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!)

crazy news story of the day #3 (the story i read yesterday mentioned the flight attendant was also suing because the stress gave her hemorrhoids.)

also: the weather has been insanely beautiful!!!! bright blue skies with giant puffy white clouds. a few big thunderstorms (which i love) and even a rainbow. in the last 2 days i've taken almost 100 pics of the different cloud formations.

side note: taking photos of clouds while pumping gas at the BP station in a not good neighborhood will get you stares. whateva bitches! i love my clouds!!!

a walk down memory lane brought on by sidenote: as a child i was obsessed with all things weather related. i loved reading about the different cloud formations, and ran my own tornado drills at home. i wanted to be a "cloud specialist" until i found out that would entail being a meteorologist, which entailed college level math classes. as an adult, i still get so excited to see dramatic big puffy clouds, sunsets, & thunderstorms (unless it's 3am and the storm scared griffin and he tries to climb into bed and steps on my head.) i still harbor fantasies about being a tornado chaser.

a random thought on another topic: is it weird to talk to yourself? what about talking to yourself and answering back? what if one of the voices you talk to yourself in sounds a lot like cartman?

look, a KFC rainbow!!! these are incredibly rare and when they happen you get a free chicken wing at participating restaurants.


  1. wow those are the same clouds by my house! Did you know there is such a thing as a rainbow at night? very rare....but Dick said so...also I was always told its ok to talk to yourself but when you ans. yourself that usually means your crazy....

  2. And good news for you Jennifer... the big fluffy clouds are an indicator that summer is coming to an end..... :o( Doesn't the sky look "fall like".

  3. I think Dick should just concentrate on the Wooly Bear festival.

    That guy is truly out there.

    Jen, perhaps the locals weren't staring at you. Maybe they were trying to figure out how to steal your camera?

  4. mom- mojito is right about dick.

    rachel- yes!!! summer is going away!!! bye bye summer, don't let the door hit ya in the ass!!!

    i love snow.

    mojito- again, you may be right. which pains me to say.
