July 2, 2008

uncle tank recommends the wings!

yesterday was just weird. how weird was it? well, my wedding ring ended up in a bowl of collards greens, i shopped for brass knuckles, and i think i ran into uncle tank in the feminine hygiene aisle at the grocery store.

work was fine. i had fun walking to lunch with mojito. it was beautiful outside and we chatted & laughed (& he smoked) the whole way to jimmy john's and back. we somehow ended the day looking for pink "hello kitty" brass knuckles online. no luck in finding them, but we did find these. here's mojito:

i got home and threw some hebrew national quarter pounders on the grill and heated up baked beans & collards greens on the side. chris came over to join us for dinner, and i'm not sure how it happened but my lovely husband ended up tossing my wedding ring into a bowl of greens. (in 2 weeks of wedded bliss he's managed to crack my blackberry and is now throwing my wedding band into side dishes. awesome!!!!) of course he & chris both found this to be quite funny and we even took photos (to be posted when i get home tonight.)

i needed to go to the grocery store and chris offered to join me. he was put in charge of the list and was horrified to see "maxi pads" at the top. i told him to "man up" and off we went. we had a blast, bickering and laughing through the entire store.

until we got to the aisle with the "lady products". i thought he'd just go to another aisle and i looked forward to making fun of him, but he followed right along! a few young girls were standing at the end of the aisle near the douches and lubricants, and when they saw him they all jumped and ran off! he proceeded to loudly ask me if i wanted "these long super absorbent ones with wings" or some "overnight" ones. he was just reading the packages and making inappropriate comments and i laughed so hard, i can't remember exactly what he said.

it occurred to me later that night that he was channeling uncle tank a little there, among the tampons and pads and wings..... although i think uncle tank would recommend wings with buffalo sauce.

yes, tuesday was a strange day.........


  1. I did feel like I was channeling uncle tank there for a bit. I was just speaking in non-hushed tones and bickering with you without hiding it. It was really fun! we need to do it again sometime, maybe we can plan out personality traits and act them out

  2. i'm glad bickering with me amongst the maxi pads brought you some joy.


  3. I think it'd be funny to just go to the store and buy a jar of prunes, a taco kit, a case of Schlitz, an issue of Guns and Ammo, and a package of Depends. Then tell the cashier "it beats what I do the other 51 Fridays of the year..."

  4. I told Jennifer that the next time we go grocery shopping together that we need to come up with personalities before hand and act them out while we're in the store.

    or go to the store and buy only the really inappropriate medications, in multiple amounts, then tell the cashier "I work with the Greater Cleveland Ashamed and Embarrassed Society."

  5. You can throw in some facial tics and you're set.

    There's a game where you try to make the WalMart cashier sweat with the purchase of 5 items. Basically, you buy 5 really inappropriate items like duct tape, bungee cord, a whiffle bat, a bar of soap and motor-oil, etc.

    I ended up doing something like this last night at Giant Eagle - 2 lemons, a six of beer, 2 pork roasts and mustard...

  6. hmmm. that's a decent combination, but I think you've would've gone over the top with a Ped Egg, or a box of extra large condoms along with the food

  7. Unfortunately, I wasn't actually playing the game. I'm making all of our 4th of July dishes in stages and those were the ingredients I needed for stage 2 of 4 different dishes...basically to get the prep work out of the way when people are over our house.

    Maybe I'll get a tube of Preparation H tonight when I have to get the Cool Whip and Raspberries.
