July 25, 2008

typical complaining with a side order of random.....

(this pic made me LMAO, even though i'm crabby and falling asleep at my desk.)
ok, here's where i complain:
bad insomnia last night. but so far sticking to the rules of my "trying to get a little healthy" post from yesterday. no beer, no fast food, drinking tons of boring water. for an entire 24 hours!

insomnia, sinus problems, overwhelmed at work. this is a reoccurring theme for sure. i am in high anxiety stress mode at work, reminding myself that "worst case scenario" is just getting fired. bad, but not the end of the world.

i am working on a software application that is based on, "physics modeling involving extensive computation." HUH??? i am so in over my big sleep deprived head. mojito is going to be working it it as well. he thinks i may be overreacting. or as he put it, "you do seem to get depressed when they screw up your starbucks order, so it could all be relative."

bastard!!! how dare he say such a thing??? i've never overreacted in my life!!! not once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (he he he....)

now for something random.....

we've discussed favorite sandwiches, popscicle flavors, etc... but what about the age old debate of mustard vs. ketchup? everyone comes down on a side. i am a total mustard girl.

i remember a heated (& ongoing) debate with my elementary school BFF. she loved the ketchup and would constantly try to one up me. "i like ketchup so much, i put it on everything!" it ended up with me showing off my mustard love and putting it in my chicken soup. i think that's when we both knew we'd taken it too far and agreed to disagree.

i've talked about being tired of the "ironic mustache" trend with the hipster kids. now i am also tired of the ironic white man afro. it's played out like white folks talking like gansta rappers.
word to your mutha.....


  1. ketchup trounces mustard and leaves it in a yellow pile on the floor

  2. i should have known. you've got all the signs of a ketchup person.

    i think dan prefers ketchup too. i asked him once, and then promptly blocked his answer from my conscious mind. it was too much to handle.

  3. I should've known you were a mustardite. You make me sick

  4. Horseradish...thats the way to go...

  5. Mustard, definitely. But, it has to be Ball Park or Stadium.

    But, if we're talking french fries - ketchup mixed with Frank's Red Hot totally rocks.

  6. you...wha....mojito likes mustard....I.....I don't know what to do now, we were becoming friends and now my whole world has been shattered.

  7. stadium mustard is the bomb! but sometimes i need old fashioned yellow mustard in the little fake barrell. the bright orange kind.

    an old boyfriend used to dip his fries in mayo/ketchup combo. i think he picked it up from "pulp fiction". i hated to admit it, but it was good.

    i feel kinda bad, for letting the condiments tear us all apart.

  8. *sits in the corner, crying*

  9. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I think I remember eating lunch with Rachel in high school and eating fries with a ketchup/mustard combo- I actually think I liked it too! Sladj
