July 23, 2008

final blog thoughts for the day....

i've been blog-chatty lately, including talk of what i ate for lunch and pics of the salad. i know, not so exciting. but i am thinking about re-doing the format, so look forward to weird colors, and maybe the old crayon theme!

in other news: i am back at my new old job, and i just peeked into the freezer in the lunchroom, and saw that a pack of hot pockets (lean pockets, pizza type) are still in there!!!! there are also containers of yogurt neatly lined up and they look so yummy, and are not expired.

also: i got a comment on an old post from a fellow glittergirl. she's got a blog too. here's a video of her doing some amazing fire dancing. wow!!!! (the power of glitter brings us all together... hehehehe.....)


  1. wait...first we had a second jen now we have a second glittergirl?! wtf...seriously...I can't take this
