July 9, 2008

back to random!

nature and bugs and stuff....

amy winehouse, now addicted to tanning. awesome!!!!

some sure signs of summer: flowers and crabby groundcat...

work update: i posted a pic of my new work area (previous post.) i am still trying to get a whiteboard hung and a file cabinet, but for now, "the touchdown center" is my home. it was so quiet in here when i moved in last week. at least 10 other people in the room, but quiet as mice. well, it's now a week later and i've got people chatting it up! there's some cheer in mudville and i need to bring in a candy bowl. candy makes work better, it's a scientific fact!

also: here's my latest youtube contribution. (i should get a nobel peace prize for my "contributions" to mankind!)

creepy doll and weird fuzzy tree....

another thing: not to brag on my new husband, but his recent blog post is getting more comments and it's cool to see everyone's list of 10 things. go check it out and add your own comments!

peace out!!!!!!


  1. That is whats known as a smoke tree...There was one in Ky when we lived there...and I believe that is not Amy Winehouse but a look alike...She is a lot skinnier then that girl...

  2. i thought the "smoke tree" looked familiar. maybe i saw one in KY...

    that is amy winehouse. her weight goes up and down. duh.

  3. IF you say so...and I believe thats a lightening bug crawling on that fuzzy arm....
