June 30, 2008

all in one day!

saturday was insane. i woke up at 6am (groundcat had to work) and started cleaning the house & packing for our trip. then i noticed griffin was digging at his ear and it looked bad. so i got him in at the vet that morning. then washed my car (inside & out) and ran errands. didn't get the house chores done, but left to pick up dan at work around 2:30pm and we headed to columbus. here are photos from the day:

griffin at the vet (he's got an ear infection but otherwise just peachy) and my broken blackberry.

the crowd outside and tom waits on stage.

people queueing up to get merchandise (or "why we didn't get concert t shirts")
the chandelier and us all happy after the show.

our view of the stage (after the show) and some remaining fans. we saw a lot of pork pie hats that night!!!!

i uploaded new pics to the strictly no photography website, this time from inside the ohio theatre. to see them, do a search for "tom waits", or just type in "glittergirl" and you'll see all my submissions, including pics i took in the huntington bank lobby last year.

i almost got all the way into the theatre before a guard asked to see inside my purse. he said i had to either give him my camera or one of the batteries. i was happy to give him a battery since i had extras stored in a side pocket, but i realized there were my nice rechargeable batteries and hated to give one up. so instead i open the battery compartment & pretended to fumble and dropped the camera into my purse. i let the rechargeable batteries fall into the bag, dug around and grabbed one of the cheap disposable batteries and gladly handed it over.

as soon as we got inside i found a restroom and got the batteries back in. it was the most beautiful theatre and i am happy i got some good pics. i tried to be respectful during the show and only snapped one quick photo of waits on stage. (i watched people all around us trying to take photos on cell phones or using camera they had snuck in with the flash on. it's rude and distracting to everyone around!) i made sure to turn off my flash as well as the little orange beam of light that helps the camera focus. i took my photo right at the end of a song, and only took one. it wasn't the best shot, but it's good enough.

the concert itself was amazing. we sat at the back in a balcony and could see the stage pretty well. we had a couple of frat guys in front of us who were really obnoxious and distracting, but i tried hard to ignore their "high fives" and drunken banter. i did wonder how they ended up at a tom waits show. did they take a wrong turn at a DMB concert? as i said to groundcat later that night, "i bet those 2 went back to their frat house and made out."

back to the concert! tom waits was incredible. he was like an old time preacher, demented orchestra leader, and performance artist all in one. he sang and danced, told really odd & funny stories, and even got the crowd to sing along to "your innocent when you dream." he did "the eyeball kid" with a disco ball hat on and the beams shot out all over the auditorium! the band played multiple instruments, including a sax player who literally played 2 or 3 saxophones at a time, along with clarinet, harmonica and possibly a bassoon. tom waits' oldest son casey played drums (as he did last tour) and a younger son came out to play bongos and then clarinet on one song. they did "the house where no one lives" which is one of my favorites. the show was near perfect and i felt lucky to have been there.
more pics to upload and stories to tell, but i need more coffee and have some actual work to do.


  1. nice sleight of hand with the guard!! I'm impressed. Have you ever shoplifted before? or perhaps were you a pickpocket?

  2. well, this could be a whole other blog post, but to answer your questions:

    yes, i was a pickpocket. in 6th grade, we played something we called "the comb game". at recess, it was boys against girls, to see who could steal the most combs out of back pockets. (combs in back pockets was big in the last 70's, FYI.)

    one of the lunch ladies who saw us playing this "game" at recess blamed the bad behavior on a recent viewing of "oliver". she thought that movie had taught us to be pick pockets!

  3. I concur. That was a pretty awesome demonstration of deception.

    However, Karma doesn't seem too pleased with you. It let you sneak a camera into the show, but it broke your Blackberry.

    Isn't that thing only like 3 weeks old? What happened? This is why we can't have nice things!

  4. Yeah, mojito brings up a point I forgot to harp on...err I mean bring up. how did you break it? did you sit on it? if it was in your purse, it had to have had alot of pressure against it to crack the screen like that.


    whew, it feels to get that out.

    stupid blackberry protective glass wasn't so protective.

  6. and why were you "throwing" our luggage?

    was it because you're "crabby vacation guy"? (similar to crabby chore boy, only no cleaning going on at the time.)

    you're crabby-ness broke the blackberry!!!!

    he he he.....

  7. well why did jennifer leave her blackberry someplace where luggage would reside? You're supposed to keep your phone on your person (or in a purse or bag) unless you're charging it, then it's usually on a table or night stand of some kind. Now if jennifer left it in the back of the car, where luggage was being put, then I move to absolve all charges against Mr. Groundcat on the grounds that Mrs. Groundcat was negligent in the placement of said blackberry device, your honor!

    ooh, I feel like I'm on Law and Order or something

  8. your honor, said blackberry device was placed upon the couch upon entering the hotel by the plaintiff.

    the defendant, in a sudden outburst, flung the shared piece of luggage (with the long, plastic handle extended!!!!) into the couch.

    you see, if the angry luggage tossing husband had retracted the long, plastic carrying handle, the device would not have been damaged.

    therefore, we move to ask the judge to find groundcat guilty on all charges!!!!

  9. I will refer the prosecution to my previous statement outlining acceptable safe locations of a phone. A "couch" is noticeably absent from this list. Had the phone been kept safely inside a purse or jacket/pants pocket, we wouldn't be in this situation in the first place, your honor!

  10. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Glad you had fun in Columbus too. Weird how we both went to Columbus this weekend and passed each other each way. The photo of Tom in the theatre is GREAT! What a stage, what a beautiful theatre. Did ya'll spend the night or just come straight back? You might have mentioned that part but I missed it.

  11. They spent the night and I sent them to a closed restaurant for breakfast the next morning. I'm awesome!

    Does Jennifer steal? Hahahahahahahaha!

    Confucius says she sure as hell does.

  12. yeah, i still have to blog about sunday. all kinds of adventures!

    and yeah, i do steal! although i do have my own code of ethics:

    i like to steal public property, as long as it won't cause damage. (like stealing the bodyworlds sign off the RTA bus.)

    i like to steal things at work, but only because it's funny. i'd never steal anyone's personal belongings or something that means anything to someone. but i'll steal binder clips to use as chip clips. or once, i stole an award! they had made to many and stored them in a closet. it was something like "award for best medium sized audit team in an asian country, 2002" with a glass globe attached. i wrapped it up and gave it to groundcat as a gift. i think zak ended up with it on his desk.....

    i once stole lipgloss from marc's. i didn't have money with me and my mom refused to buy it for me (this was in high school) so i stuck it in her coat pocket. when we got to the car i pulled it out of her pocket and said, "thanks for the lip gloss!!!!" she didn't think it was funny....

    ah, good times!

  13. Did I see the great Nanci Griffith at that theatre? Didn't I get horribly motion sick from being up there so high?

    Great shots!!

  14. oh gosh, we did see nanci there! i thought maybe i'd been there once but couldn't remember what show.

    and yes, you were motion sick and dizzy, but stuck like out like a real trooper.

