May 15, 2008


i've added a new blog. good old secret work friend finally got off his bum and started blogging! he's always been good for an uncle tank reference and i'm excited to see what he comes up with. i removed a few blogs that haven't been updated and are in the process of changing. i also added brief descriptions off the top of my head, something glittermom is sure to complain about. which is fun for me!

stacy (craptastic) did a new drawing of griffin that is amazing. go click the link to see it. it took my breathe away. she captures griff's super spazzy joy perfectly.
glittermom did an awesome "day in the life" photo blog, go see!
i've added some pics from a party months ago. dig it.


  1. Aw shucks (kicks the ground)...I'm flattered that you mentioned my premiere.

    Now I actually have to post interesting things.

    At the very least, I'm going to try to post at least once a day my column "Dumbass of the Day". Just glancing at the news reports, I should have enough material for the next 4 or 5 years.

  2. Although I love the link tag you gave me in your sidebar, I sure hope drinking Clamato doesn't get me a dumb-ass of the day marker.

    If it doesn't, I'll probably do something soon that will.


  3. What you do with Clamato is your own business. Now, if there's ever a story in the news about your skin turning red because you were drinking way too much of the stuff...that would make a worthy entry.

    Who knows, what with me accidentally shaving my own head and self inflicted tracheotomies from garden weasels...I'll most likely be writing about myself.

  4. mojito- i was wondering if you were going to include any of your own drunken/non-drunken escapades!

  5. There's a whole lot of yard work that needs to be done this weekend, so, who knows, I might come back on Monday with 9 fingers and an inability to successfully type words that contain 'q', 'a', or 'z'.
