May 8, 2008

pizza pandemonium

my mom was nice enough to hem some pants for me. she was also nice enough to hide a plastic spider in one of the pockets, which i found while out shopping for dresses for the wedding we're going to at the end of the month. here's a pic of me (right) in the dress with my new tooth whitening job! there's also my new favorite salad (left), from quodoba.

also- if you stood in line for hours for a cheap pizza, you might want to rethink your life. i heard about "pizza riots" on the news and it made me have to go pay full price for a good pizza from maxim's.

i've cut way back on the beer, down to only a few times a month. if i'm only going to have beer once in a while, it has to be the good stuff. this is the good stuff:

this new movie looks horrible.


  1. Stick lady is my hero. Fuck your cream of tartar. But your dress is fabulous.

  2. Anonymous4:07 PM

    The Columbus Dispatch printed the story about the pizza riots in Columbus and Cleveland. The story, with a photo of angry customers, was placed directly above an article concerning the worsening humanitarian crisis in Myanmar (Burma), complete with photo of a basically dying person. Gotta love the U.S. of A.

  3. I don't think thats a spider...It looks more like a giant TICK to me!
