May 1, 2008

the erin o'brien curse, and some other stuff

ever since my beloved blog pal erin o'brien added me to her blogroll, i've been unable to crank the posts out like i used to. is it performance anxiety, some kind of peer pressure, or a curse? i'm gonna go ahead and call it a curse. the erin o'brien curse. yes, i like the sound of that.... and suddenly i feel "blog chatty" again!

i only have a 15 minute window to eat lunch and type up this nonsense, so don't expect a bunch of links, ya lazy bums. and no time for spell check!

random food thoughts:

i love chicken marsala and have perfected the recipe. as i was typing up the recipe to later post, i noticed why i love it so much. the main ingredient are butter and wine. throw in chicken and mushrooms and i'm happy!

chick-fil-a has opened a drive thru restaurant in my neck of the woods. expect to see monica robins back at my place interviewing the girl who ballooned up to 500 pounds on a steady diet and fried chicken sandwiches with pickles. yum! read this article about the chick-fil-a heir who went koo-koo nutty in a waffle house restroom.

i am addicted to ginger gummy bears. my god, i love them. and they're fun to pose too!

random non-food thought:

we found a creepy michael myers type jumpsuit in the laundry room and can't remember who gave it to us. how do you not notice something like that? groundcat does strike a creepy/handsome pose in the found jumpsuit.

speaking of groundcat, we recently hit our 2 year anniversary. we're not entirely sure what april 26th is actually the "anniversary" of, but think it's either when we started talking online or maybe met for the first time at arabica. happy 2 year anniversary of something, groundcat!!!!!!

i am supposed to want to see "juno", but have no desire. it kind of reminds me of napoleon dynamite, another hipster-trendy movie with nerd appeal that i was supposed to dig. i say no.

i did watch "the little girl who lives down the lane" recently. groundcat didn't like it so much, but i was fascinated. the soundtrack is horrible (bow-chicka-bow disco music) but otherwise i think it stands the test of time. it's super creepy (martin sheen is the biggest creep!) and weird. i saw this with my grandma (the tv edited version) as a young child ( 7 or 8 years old) and it freaked me out. it's an intense movie. but i remember loving that the main character was an independent child who lived on her own, who was super smart and loved books. i wanted to be her in some ways. i definitely recommend the movie, but would say it's disturbing as hell and includes some nudity. (jodie foster was 14 when this was filmed and her older sister was her body double for the nude scenes, but even knowing this i found the scenes uncomfortable.)
real quick: craptasic and copax have been blogging some good stuff lately. i found out my weird (slightly racist) change jar is a 1930's joe louis mustard jar. see the patent here.
ok, lunch time is over. see ya, suckers!


  1. Juno was alright. Funny if you can put up with teenages for longer than 10 minutes at a time.

  2. Whitey your teenager years are coming...Get ready....and where do you get such a thing as Ginger Gummie bears...and do they have Ginger Gummie Monkeys too?

  3. Just hand over the ginger gummi bears and no one gets hurt.

  4. back off o'brien. they're ginger, not clamato!

  5. Anonymous1:08 AM

    I only remember the hamster in the fireplace....that's it. I must have been the same age as you when that movie came out...I've never really liked Jodie Foster because of it.

    I hope GC isn't nude under there...might be a bit of chafing, heeehehehe

  6. sue- i'd forgotten about the hamster. that was horrible!

    also, GC wasn't nude under there, but i like your theory. it could explain why michael myers was killing all those people: he was crabby from chaffing! he just needed some gold bond powder and all those teenage girls could have lived.

