April 17, 2008


pics (not in order): my mom's wall, the geese couple who hang out in front of the barn, dolls in the well, cute baby cucumbers, cleo rollin', the vase i love that groundcat's great aunt ruth painted, (the pic doesn't do it justice) and some flowers (that great aunt ruth planted, probably many decades ago.)

now on to random!

when i logged on to post, i noticed "1,019 posts" showing on my blogger dashboard. that's..... a lot. i'm officially a blabbermouth. that can't shock anyone.

erin o'brien has written a lovely article in the free times. go to her blog to get the entire story. it's really worth your time.

other blog news: my mom has finally posted pics of the wall being built behind her house, on the freeway. she's also got some pics of her eyes that gave me nightmares. renny has some great photos from his hometown. craptastic and copax have had interesting posts of late. i can't add any more links though. i'm linked out. you know where they are, over on the right.

i had all kinds of other stuff to blog about, but it's almost time for my programs. 30 rock & the office, duh.


  1. Oh the office made me so mad last-night. I totally though Jim was goign to propose!!!! ARG!!!!

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    pur pur Sharon and that wall... pur pur Sharon!

  3. Hey Glitter Goddess. Love the pix and thanks for the link and you rock my face off!
