April 9, 2008

trying to be less blabberish

i am trying to be less chatty. i think my blog is overwhelming to keep up with. so let's see if i can be brief.

groundcat's tattoo made skulladay.com yesterday! and here's yet another pic of him looking crab-faced. crabfaced but handsome!

fright night is a horrible movie. the vampire is real into gray leather, and the girl grows long hair after he bites her. the "evil ed" character is more annoying then nails on a chalkboard. and the movie is so dated! i kept recognizing clothes from my high school years. i guess that makes me dated. of course as soon as it was over, we had to read about it on wiki. i tried to add the sequel to our netflix but i guess it's not even available.

speaking of bad entertainment: CSI miami is horrible. so horrible i can't look away. the red-headed guy is the worst actor, with his dumb sunglasses and same delivery of each & every line. the women on the show all seem contractually obligated to wear at least one piece of white clothing at all times (because it's miami i suppose). the supporting actors are...interchangable. the plot and subplots are predictable and cliched. yet i keep watching....

an old favorite quote recently remembered, "well....true love can't be rainbows and mustaches all the damn time!!!!!" i believe it was something i said to lisa ann back in columbus, around 1996, after watching a bad tv movie and then having a philosophical discussion about the meaning of true love. i think the movie was from the 80's and the romantic leading man had a mustache and wore sweaters.

anthony cartouche recently blogged on the anniversary of the assasination of MLK jr and it was quite thoughtful and lovely. nothing funny, just a good piece of writing and remembering. it inspires me to someday write something meaningful and unrandom.

unrandom is a new word i just invented! also blabberish and crab-faced. there's also rachel's invented word crabbish.

opinions needed: if you (not me) had bugs in your kitchen, would you freak out? if they were not anything like a roach or worm, but just little tiny beetles that moved very slow and sort of just "hung out", would you throw away all the food in the cupboard? even if you had about a million different (& expensive) bottles or spices? i mean, you would have already cleaned the cupboards out months ago! but the little buggers came back....

here's kelly looking smart in her new glasses, and preparing to look smart (and hide the lunch wrappers.)

here's the link to my johari window. if anyone has time, fill it out for me, then do one of your own. it's interesting!

not suprisingly, i have completely failed the attempt to be less blabberish. 100% FAILED. i guess i'll go ahead and add too many, too random pics and be done with the entire mess!


  1. CSI Miami got their wardrobe from Miami Vice...Sonny Crockett and his white suits...with rolled up sleeves...

  2. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I read some gossip story that said Horatio(David Caruso) has a terrible time remebering lines, which is why he only has about 1 sentence in any scene he is in. On a good note, I hear his sunglasses are up for any Emmy.:)
    I have a question, for you- How much time do you spend on the computer a day, which is not work related? it seems you do blog a lot, but also are always on Wiki, Netflix, random skull websites, etc. Just curious.

  3. uc freak: that's an interesting question and i'll try and answer it honestly.

    when i'm at work, i always have a web browser open. i sometimes start a blog post and leave that open all day. thus the random chattering. i check my gmail constantly too.

    i also get a huge amount of work done. i get all my work done on time and usually more then i was assigned.

    it's just the way my brain likes to work, to multi-task, or i get bored.

    some days i stay off the internet. i know when i need to do this, especially if i have a complex script to write or use case to study.

    other days i take my entire lunch break to eat a sandwich and go to every website i can think of in 30-60 minutes.

    i've been working this way for years. some bosses have complained, others let me do what i wanted as long as my work was done and it was good work.

    i also do chores while watching tv, and if i read a book i usually have a movie playing as well.

    weird, huh?

  4. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Sounds overwhelming. I would just get a lot of nothing done if I had all that going on. I need to work on attenton focus, not spreading it out.
    Do you ever just unplug EVERYTHING, or would that make you start twitching?

  5. I'm the same way, Glittergirl. Right now, I've got your blog open (and I'm commenting), I'm in the middle of writing a script, answering someone's question over IM, I'm thinking about a defect I posted, I'm reviewing portions of the script that someone else wrote, I've got my data sheet open and I'm making updates to that, I'm testing that my data imports correctly on my test machine, I'm drinking coffee, and I'm thinking about what I'm going to have for lunch (Tea House Noodles).

    And, just like you, I get my work done when it needs to be done. And correct.

    Oh, and my data imported successfully from my data sheet. I said "Pow" quietly to myself.

  6. uc- yeah, you would not work well this way. you and i are so different in this respect. it's interesting to compare!

    unplugging everything? that's crazy talk.

    the last time things were 'unplugged' was..not by choice. it was back at my old apartment, pre-shacking up with groundcat...

    i bought some really cool, vintage xmas lights at the thrift store. they were in perfect shape and still in the original package!

    i plugged them in, just to see if they'd work, and, they blew up. a small, but loud POP (not a POW) and my entire apartment lost power.

    i was able to get my laptop to work on its battery with wifi, but i only had 2 hours of battery life.

    i just went to bed early. i didn't know how to deal with being so unplugged!

    as for you mojito- your comment provided the first giggle/snort of the day!

  7. When my wife and I were house shopping, my number 1 criteria was a community with good and RELIABLE broadband!!!

  8. I'm a real bad multi tasker too. Some people have no idea how I can do it.
    I always say I learned how chasing twenty three-year-olds around at the day care center.

    I have to clean my house every Saturday. I have to listen to music or NPR while I do this (sorry Whitey you big Repub). I have really complicated procedures for everything like the old lady I am. Because the net at work is faster I carry around notes fotos and drafts on a thumb drive and I'm not sure if I'll get in trouble eventually, but the web stuff I do isn't specifically verboten. I carry as big a caseload as anyone else, and my reputation for detail is real damn good, so I don't worry until somebody says something.

    My phone also makes a funny sound when I get an email. I'm addicted to that and I never thought I would be that kind.
