April 1, 2008

OSU 1989, a favorite story....

me and SDS sometimes around 1989, skinny and dolled-up. me in my sort of "goth" phase (1990). i was really trying to be this lady. click here to see pics of liz and decide if there's any resemblance.
and now for our dorm room:
SDS and i met as roommates at OSU in september 1988. i knew right away i liked her and she had good taste in music (alternative). she was also funny and road a skateboard. alas, we were in a 3 person dorm room, and our 3rd roommate was..... a disaster.
she arrived overly-tanned with a mop of permed hair. she was a pledge for tri-delts and would receive 5-10 calls a day that went something like this:
"hello!!! is lori there???? oh my god! is she wearing her pink tri delt sweatshirt or the blue one with teddy bears???"
you have to imagine that in the loudest sorority girl voice.
we tried to get to know lori, and she tried to get to know us. she hung up a james dean poster trying to fit in to our more "alternative" vibe. but she never liked the morrissey posters i hung and soon her walls were covered with collages of photographs of her friends and sorority sisters. if you stood from across the room and looked at the collage, it was nothing but a mass of orange-tan skin and big white teeth. and booze. everyone had a drink (or beer bong) in their hand.
SDS and i would hang out or go to a bar like crazy mama's (punk.) we got to know the local "non-racist" skinheads and had all kinds of adventures with the artsy crowd, the gay crowd, etc...
lori attended parties every weekend with her sorority. they drank huge amounts, passed out, had sex with frat guys who never called them the next day, and planned their wardrobes.
one night, SDS and i were in our bunk beds, on one side of the room (see photo above.) lori was sequestered to her own side by this point. there was a knock at the door sometime around 2am. i got up and opened it to find lori passed out drunk, being carried in by a few sorority sisters. they were highly annoyed. i jumped back into bed and pretended to sleep, to avoid having to deal with my drunk roommate.
her friends laid her on her bed, complaining that she was sloppy drunk and had fallen onto the street outside the bar more then once that night. i laid there listening, and heard SDS on the bunk above me rustling and knew she was awake.
the girls left and my incredibly drunk roommate started to stir. i think at this point SDS jumped down into my bunk and we got under the covers to watch the show. lori was stumbling around, trying to get out of her tights and mini-skirt, falling over and mumbling. the lights were out and we couldn't see exactly what was happening....
then we heard the sound. liquid being poured. what the hell is that? oh. god. she's peeing. she's peeing on herself, the floor. and laying down in it, from what i recall.
SDS and i were dumbfounded. speechless. she got back in her bunk and we went to sleep. the incident was not mentioned by any of us.
a few weeks later my coffee pot came up missing. SDS and i searched the room high and low. gone. we asked lori and she said she hadn't seen it. she went on with her sorority girl existence, drinking like a fish, for the rest of the quarter.
then one day, SDS looked under lori's bed for something, and there was my coffee pot. it was full of a cloudy liquid, we never knew what it was. but we were pretty sure she'd used the coffee pot to pee in after some drunken bender. she denied everything and it was nearing the end of spring quarter, when we'd all be heading home anyways...
so now, almost 20 years later, i'm telling this lovely story on my blog, and SDS and i remain close friends. weird, huh???


  1. Ah, that is the classic. We also hid skinheads in our room from the racist skinheads during their turf wars and fed that giant street urchin John Backstrom cheeseburgers.

    Lori Halley also subsited entirely on beer and big jars of Kosher pickles. One morning after a drunk our entire room smelled like a giant douche. So one day in my little mad abrupt way I toddled back to our room from the shower and blurted out, "This room smells like PICKLES!"

    Good Times!

  2. Also, I just remembered this- Lori Halley actually wrote a term paper on what a bitch I was and the girls next door who let her type it on their computer printed us off a copy so we could laugh at it.
