March 28, 2008

old pics and new pics.....

this is a photo i took from my bedroom window when i was about 15 years old. that would make it 1985 in willowick OH. i had the entire attic for a bedroom, and in 85 i would have been starting my collection of morrissey and cure posters. i moved the furniture around quite often, but this was when i had my bed right below the window on the side of the house facing west. i saw some decent sunsets. in this photo you can see the curtains blowing in the breeze.

my first car, a 1980 AMC concord, and my new car, a 2008 suzuki sx4. i see some similarities!

it's spring time! ok, i bought these at giant eagle, but pretty soon my yard will be blooming with all kinds of flowers.

i'm still worried about the news story my friend amy sent me, about lemons being unwashed and covered in germs. they've been in my fridge a week and seem to be changing colors.......

now for some more old photos:

here i am with my lovely friend eva. we both have our collars "propped" and i have my favorite pink sweater on. purchased from "the limited", duh! i remember asking my dad to snap the photo, on our back porch at sunset. i can remember is so vividly! the pic on the right is me and a local orchestra. they needed a french horn player badly so i to play with the grown-ups. there's a little boy in the photo who i remember played drums. my friend lauren's grandma is to my right. she was the one who asked me to join. she'd let me drive her car to rehersals (i was only 14 or 15) and i believe it was a pacer. memories!

the pic on the left was taken my junior year after our annual band awards dinner. katie, rachel and sladj are posed in front of my favorite morrissey poster. rachel has what we now refer to as "box hair". as you can see on the right, i had my own hair "problems" and some very shiny braces. and i am embarassed to point out the "miami vice" calendar behind me. a momentary lapse in judgement....

ok, enough for now. pics from my freshman year in the dorms at OSU next time. now it's bedtime!


  1. Anonymous10:49 AM

    oh dear- I swear I have better frames now! I can actually remember that night! Samantha just looked at that picture, pointed me out and laughed. I loved driving around Metro in that great car listening to music. You did have the best room-remember when Todd almost set your house on fire? Ahh, those were the days . . .

  2. I think as long as your not eating the skins the lemons are fine...don't they say everythings bad for you at one time or another...

  3. Well, Jen, you were kind...I KNOW you could have found worse pics of me, thanx! :) I remember that day too but not that your father took the picture; I like that!

    Love live lemons!!!


  4. Oh, and I loved that old car! The new one is cute.

  5. Ahhhhh.... memories. I knew before I started reading that view was from your old bedroom. And I learned how to drive in that old brown concord. I'd like to forget about the box hair thank you! You had the coolest room. you have any pictures from that one time we took some under the blacklight?
